Secret day off...Update!

@maves I absolutely love this for you! How fabulous everything seemed to align perfectly!
I’m sure you’ve inspired some of us to do the same, whether we keep it secret or not!
Thank you for updating & enjoy your quarterly day off
@maves My BFF and I just took a full spa day middle of the week. Best plan ever! We are both super busy all the time between work and our kids. We can usually sneak away for a lunch every couple weeks, but sometimes you just need that full day.

Good for you! Keep enjoying your time guilt free.
@maves That is the right way to do it! I took a secret day off and ended up doing things for other people. At the end of the day I wasn’t refreshed or relaxed and felt like I wasted a day I could have been at work
@j2ds Ugh, same. I spent the whole day catching up on laundry, deep cleaning the bathroom, prepping for the next day, etc. This post has inspired me to try again though, but I’ll be making a rule about no chores!! I have a hard time relaxing when the house isn’t clean so I’m going to take a Monday off and make sure the cleaning is caught up on the weekend so by Monday there is no laundry or cleaning to do and I can truly relax.
@maves I’m so happy for you, and so delighted by how this all turned out! I haven’t often taken a FULL day off, but I try to knock off work early one or two afternoons a month and it is so wonderful.
@maves That day sounds AMAZING!! So, I’m a teacher and have summers off, same schedule as my kids. (Which is great but also sucks) When they were in elementary school I signed them up for summer camp all summer! I slept/shopped/relaxed all day after dropping them off. Heaven and well deserved.
@maves I am new to reddit, but posts like these make me glad I joined. What a perfect day and perfect reminder that we all need these days occasionally 💙

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