Took a job 6 months ago that is hybrid. (Advertised 2 days a week) and they just announced they are going back to fully in office

@ilkhanapit Is the “hybrid” part in your offer letter? I work in HR, for remote employees we specifically put where they work in their offer letter. If it’s in your offer, show it to them and tell them that this is what they hired you as.
@dusts It does not :( , I checked. My manager also reached out to HR , who was candid and admited that they don’t think this is a good move for the company. They pride themselves on thier ethics but does this 😒.
Is the “hybrid” part in your offer letter?

This is huge and cannot be understated. A lot of places advertised hybrid/remote work options generally but never codified it in specific job roles/work agreements, so the companies cannot be held accountable for recalling employees to the office whenever they chose.
@americanvet I didn’t get a promised bonus in my offer letter for my last job too, after stellar performance reviews. That’s why I’m now working for a government agency even though I could make more in industry. I’m sick of these shady fuckers in private industry. Lots to critique about working for the government but everything is super clearly laid out and above board.
@godsprincesa89 Stop paying benefits for dependents. WTF?! 😳 My insurance is the entire reason I've stayed in my current job this long. If they fuck with the benefits too much then I'm gone.
@americanvet Yes, policies can change, but having it written in an offer letter gives OP something to use to try to fight it. Having nothing in writing… she’s stuck
@ilkhanapit We recently announced 4 days a week back in the office. I haven’t had that schedule since before I had kids, and my oldest is 12.

I told my boss that it was absolutely ridiculous that I should have my schedule upended because of this. She agrees and we’re dealing with it…but in the form of a medical accommodation (I have celiac - between my bevy of doctors, need for an easy bathroom if I get sick, and needing to avoid cross-contamination, we think that will be enough for HR to sign off. But these things are slow so I won’t know for months). The medical stuff is an easy excuse as opposed to actually trying harder to fight this.

I’ve told senior management - you can have RTO or you can have DEI. You can’t have both. We have women freaking out because they just don’t see a career path in which they can still have a family.
@lugiboss Yup, this hurts working mothers the most. VP and director level are all men with sahm and who’s kids are already grown.

Childcare has gone up 30% in my area , and many programs have closed since Covid so it’s impossible to get into centers right now. Not to mention Women still do the majority of domestic duties and Invisible labor.

While i think having children is a personal choice, and working moms shouldn’t get special treatment, that it who it is hurting the most from this decision
@ilkhanapit I was asked to mentor junior women to show them how it can be done as a working mom.

I told them...I am the last person you want to do this. I worked from home when my kids were infants. My husband has taken several steps back in his own career in order to support me. I nearly lost it all when I had PPD and was given no support from the company.

I dug myself out of my own hole. Don't hold me up as some example to advance your own career and DEI goals. My career is mine - I'm done being used as a prop for the careers of men.