I am right at 165 pounds and took a plan b yesterday..i’m scared

@randybrice Just normal hormone changes, it helped with my periods too, that was the main reason of me getting on the pill 12 years ago, but nothing crazy at all, nothing like the nexplanon or IUD, I have the nexplanon now, your first time using birth control I would use the pill, just my opinion, every one’s different, the nexplanon has to far been the best I’ve had so far but it’s not for everyone, the pill is about 70%-80% effective as the IUD and nexplanon are 98%-99% effective. Talk to your OB and they can walk you through everything to find the one that will work did you better. You sound young so just tell the doctor your concerns and ask as many questions as you can and want, there’s no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to your health, in reality you’ll have side effects no matter what you take, the pill made ME gain about 5-15 pounds, the iud didn’t make me gain any weight and the nexplanon( my current) increased my cravings and appetite, but hey, no baby or worrying about getting pregnant. Not everything is 100% effective and doesn’t prevent STDs or STIs but I haven’t gotten pregnant, talk to an OB and you’ll do fine babe! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@sheenacristine hey!!! so question, i took it before ovulation like 3 days before and on the day, i had an increase in discharge which was like the first sign that ovulation was near. after taking the plan b, i don’t have any discharge anymore like i’m pretty much dry. could that be a sign that it worked??? at the same time though i am having other mild symptoms of ovulation currently like vulnerable to smells and more attraction to people lol
@randybrice Honestly every time I’ve taken it I’ve been over 160. I once took it at like 175ish and it worked. As long as u weren’t ovulating or close to ovulation, you should be fine! The chances of getting pregnant days after ovulation are lower as well. Best of luck!
@randybrice ohhh i see- i just wanted to make sure you were aware that it’s not suppose to be taken when you’re ovulating. sadly a lot of women don’t know that and question why plan b didn’t work for them. i hope everything is well!!
@randybrice Medical advisor for Julie here! First things first—you took the medication in the best way possible. You took it almost immediately after unprotected sex. Timing is everything. The sooner you take it, the more effective it is.

Timing matters because it works by pausing ovulation. The longer you wait to take the pill, the higher likelihood that ovulation will begin.

Now to your weight concern. All over-the-counter morning-after pills (like Plan B and Julie) have been shown to be less effective at BMIs over 25, but they are still effective. (The weight of 165 arose as a parameter many years ago because that was the average weight of those with female anatomy. In fact, its efficacy is based on BMI or Body Mass Index, not weight.) We’re not really sure why this happens, but as BMI increases the efficacy decreases. But it’s still effective!

If you have access to it, an IUD is the most effective form of emergency contraception…regardless of weight.
@teresamar1 perfect thank you! i did have a question, i was in my fertile window when this happened. is this still okay? It was like the first day that i felt fertile symptoms like more cervical mucus and feeling more attraction to men (LOL) so that’s how i knew i was within my fertile window but im not supposed to fully ovulate until a day from now so about 3 days after the intercourse and plan b!
after taking the plan b, most of my ovulation symptoms have disappeared like the cervical mucus is completely gone, etc
@randybrice Awesome job knowing your ovulation symptoms! It’s tough to say for sure at what stage of your fertile window you were in, but toward the end of the window is ovulation. If the LH surge (which triggers ovulation) has already begun, the pill won’t be effective. We advise taking a pregnancy test if you don’t get your period within the next 3 weeks. (Don’t panic—a late period can still be a pill side effect.)

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