TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

@sherryamber It was enough to test positive so to me that’s enough to harm the babes. I wouldn’t ever risk it, not worth it. Granted the beer was an IPA so it was higher alcohol content but it really threw me because I wasn’t expecting that. Super scary!
@sherryamber I just got married and definitely drank more than I intended (including tequila) and breastfed. I didn't feel drunk and it was a one-off event so I'm hoping that it was OK but definitely feeling guilty now. And wondering if anyone in my family/friends thinks I'm a bad mum because of it.
@sherryamber No guilt here, if im feeling extra paranoid i just pump into a storage bag and mark it for topical use only. Never ever pump and dump. The pumping process has been too stressful to let it go to waste!
@sherryamber I felt guilty for awhile when I was breastfeeding my first baby but by baby two I learned to give myself a break from all the Mom guilt. Enjoy your drinks you deserve it!
@sherryamber As long as you're sober to drive, you're sober to feed your babe. And if you are drunk, you can either wait to feed/pump once your blood level is normal (sober) or you can pump and use it for something else (milk bath. bteastmilk jewelry, skin treatment, etc)
@sherryamber I still feel guilty every time!! But it's been so nice to have a beer here and there. I don't need to drink to feel okay but it definitely makes me feel a little more free to do something that I previously felt was "forbidden"