TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

@sherryamber Oh man I love me a margarita or an IPA. I felt so guilty when I had a couple drinks even though I pump a feeding before hand and wait till babes asleep. This post was so enlightening and reassuring. ❣️
@sherryamber I found out i really like thatchers Rose cider and my husband won't let me feed our baby if I drink even the littlest amount. Like I haven't drank for over 2 years when I found that out and I am just a little sad that I'm not being allowed to do both.
@sherryamber It's the same rules as alcohol levels for drink driving so if you feel ok to drive, your ok to boob. Plenty of studies now done to back up the blood alcohol cross over so no guilt for one glass.
@sherryamber I had a glass of wine the other day and it was fabulous. No guilt at all. I never drank at all with my first 2 kids because I was always told to pump and dump.
@eldridge You can feed any time you like. No special waiting period necessary.

The only rule is you have to be able to safely hold baby and be coherent enough to make good decisions about sleep space/stay awake while feeding. The most dangerous part about nursing while under the influence of alcohol (and some meds), is unplanned, unsafe sleep happening, dropping baby, accidentally rolling over baby if fallen asleep (because if under the influence one just doesn’t rouse as easily). Not whatever small amount makes it’s way into the milk.
@eldridge So, breast milk is made from blood. It has roughly the same alcohol content as blood. Let’s say you get pretty drunk, too drunk to drive, so a blood alcohol level of .08% or greater. Now let’s imagine how much .08% blood someone would have to drink to get drunk. A LOT! Even a tiny baby drinking a whole 4 oz of breast milk is getting a negligible amount of alcohol…less than the amount in orange juice probably!

The big issue of drinking alcohol is safely caring for the baby and this is a concern for ANY CAREGIVER, lactating or not.
@eldridge Seconding this question! I was told it was okay to have a drink right after feeding because it will be out of my system in about 2 hours before feeding again. But 1- that makes me feel like I can't take my time with a drink but have to like, chug it, and 2- my 3 week old will often want to eat again sooner than that and it stresses me out! Do I not need to worry about this after all??
@atgeuze If you are sober enough to drive and care for baby, you're sober enough to nurse. That's pretty much the basis for the guideline.
@atgeuze I tried to only drink after baby went to bed until he was able to go 2hrs between feeds. And I do try to finish my drink asap if I'm day drinking BUT like everyone said that glass of wine isn't going to hurt baby anyway. They have test strips if you're really concerned but I wouldn't think too much about it or the stress would affect your supply haha
@eldridge I think moderate drinking is considered one serving an hour. So 6 ounces of wine to one hour. But in my case, I like a heavy pour so I try to be mindful. Kellymom has good information on it if I remember correctly. I went to a wedding and had a bunch of champagne so I pumped and dumped since I felt a bit tipsy. But a couple glasses with dinner or while at home I would not.