Third child?!


New member
We were blessed with a boy, then a girl and now pregnant with our third! I am hoping for a girl, but a healthy baby would be great! It seems there isn’t many B,G,G when I try to search it… does anyone here have a B,G,G? my husband thinks it’s a boy and I think girl haha
@lalagata It will be wonderful 😊. So much fun to watch your children develop their own sibling dynamics as they grow! My little boy is the sweetest bub and always the first to cuddle, hug, and kiss me AND the sisters. And he is spoiled by all the big sisters haha
@lalagata My prayers are with you too! Pregnancy after a loss is so hard. Praying for an uneventful pregnancy with a healthy baby and mama at the end!
@lalagata This is so interesting! I have GBB and am expecting our fourth early next year. So curious to see what we end up with if baby sticks (I’ve had previous losses so hard to get excited yet).
@lichti I agree! We just had a MMC In february… it was a girl 😩 I think that’s what is making me so scared. I had already had all of these plans and got all excited for a second girl and then we lost her :(
@lalagata Oh, that is so hard! Sending you all the good vibes! My losses were between my first and second, and then I took baby aspirin and progesterone with my second and third. Both can’t hurt, might help things, but it made me feel a little better. I’m doing that again this time but it’s still early so we will have to wait a little longer for that first viability scan.
@lalagata That’s great! Our scan is 6/12. I waited until 7+1 because I don’t like going too early and having to come back. I’m sure of my dates so I’d rather just know if it’s good or bad in one appointment.

Wishing you all the best! Are you due in January too?
@lalagata My kids have all been evicted at 39ish weeks so far so we will see about this one! I make big babies with big heads so my doctors have always been on board with inductions.