The moment you realize you’ve made it is when your baby will have the dad you didn’t

@garry25 Every time I look at how my fiancé is with our twins (5 months old F) and how involved he’s been since the day he found out I was pregnant till right now , it makes me glad and so happy that my children will not have the relationship I have with my father who doesn’t even know they exists. I know my kids are perfectly fine if I’m not here and that makes me feel safe in a weird way.
@garry25 I gladly have a relationship with my mom but my dad hasn’t even met my fiancé and we’ve been together for 6 years. That’s how crazy it is and I’ve seen my father like twice in the past 6 years.
@garry25 Yeah , I think it makes it worse that all he had to do was wait 1 hour . I was living in NYC with my fiancé (we’ve been dating 3 years at this point) and my dad went to NYC to visit and wanted us to catch up but my fiancé had to travel for work those days that my father was flying in , with the exception that my dad’s flight left at like 8pm (so he had to leave at like 5 to go to the airport) and my fiancés flight arrived at like 2pm and by the time he got home it would’ve been 3-3:30 (which he did got home at that time) but my dad said he wasn’t waiting because he had to get to the airport & he left at 2:30pm…
@garry25 It’s ok, I’ve come to terms with my real with my dad being nonexistent and the only reason I agreed to meet up with him on that trip (because I could’ve gone on the trip with my fiancé) is because I knew there was some type of motive behind the trip and I wanted to know why, my sister also lived in NYC at the time and I didn’t want her to deal with that alone.

My relationship with my dad started and ended in 2017 and unless he doesn’t look for me, is not changing. Like I had children, I’m getting married , moved to the other side of the world & he probably still thinks I live in NYC with my boyfriend.
@garry25 His motive (more like my stepmoms) was to post online about the perfect family and how close we are as a family especially since this was in 2021 and things were still tense with covid and all that. The kicker is that my dad and stepmom have me and my sister blocked on social media so we didn’t find out about it till my aunt told us like a month after the trip.
@garry25 Agreed. My husband is very hands on too. Probably does marginally more of the childcare than I do (aside from when I was breastfeeding), I tend to do more of the house stuff. My grandma always loved to comment about the dads of today (my husband and my cousin's). You could tell it was so weird and wonderful to her to see them so involved. ❤️
@solomonhall201 Yes! I think his moms jealous of how much he does cause he was a huge mommas boy up until the baby was born and now his brain completely shifted to just me and the baby and now she’s having a hard time coping
@garry25 I feel the same way! I can’t help but praise my boyfriend for how supportive and loving he is towards me and his son. Now that we have a baby on the way together, I feel like I have so much hope. Before my relationship with him, I was terrified of having children because, unfortunately, I made the mistake of marrying my trauma. Thank you for the wholesome energy!