Telling Trainers/Coaches


New member
I’ve been doing CrossFit for a few months, and I’m 4w+3 today. I want to tell my coaches that I’m pregnant, but my husband thinks I should wait. I don’t want to blab to everyone right away, but I feel like the coaches should know, so they know I’ll be doing modifications, or in case something happens in class. If you had coaches or trainers, how soon did you tell them?

I’m posting on r/CrossFit too.
@louiedevon Personally I told my trainer at about 6-7 weeks as I was struggling to make it to the gym due to the fatigue and nausea. While working out, I would also get winded pretty quick so wasn’t able to hit the weight numbers he was setting for me.
@louiedevon I told my PT when I found out, but that’s because she is a professional/medically trained and did end up having modifications and recommendations for me. If your CrossFit coaches don’t specialize in prenatal exercise you’re probably fine listening to your body and knowing your limits at this point.
@louiedevon I'm a runner, I told my coach around 10 weeks iirc. Some of my training runs were starting to feel tough, and I knew I'd be adjusting my goals for my upcoming races. Plus, my coach is virtual and my Garmin notes were increasingly referencing symptoms and how I was feeling, and I got tired of being opaque haha.
@louiedevon I told a couple of mine pretty early (8 or 9 weeks i think?) because I wasn't sure what sort of modifications I should be doing, when. I also was getting super winded pretty early in my pregnancy, though, so it helped them to know not too push me too hard. Just make sure you're listening to your body. Otherwise tell them when you're comfortable :)
@louiedevon I wouldn't worry about it until you actually get to the point of needing modifications. I don't do CrossFit, but for me in yoga class it was around 18 weeks when I couldn't lie on my belly any more. Not that I would have minded if it came up earlier, it just didn't seem relevant until then. I know CrossFit is way more intense, but I feel like you could probably still gauge for yourself when you need to tell them!
@surrendermyheart I agree with this. There is nothing they can really do for you this early on. But if you want to tell them go for it, it’s not really your husbands decision. I never told my coaches until I needed to - maybe around 15 weeks for me for CrossFit
@louiedevon For the bulk of your first trimester, it's unlikely that you're going to need modifications or even reduce any weight. So if you're not ready to tell your coaches, you probably don't have to. I only started reducing weight, making modifications for core exercises and reducing jumping movements towards the middle of second trimester when my belly got bigger and weaker. I suppose a caveat is if you have sudden nausea or fatigue that you can't explain otherwise in the middle of a class.
@louiedevon My fitness instructors were amongst the first to know - I do aerials which I knew would need adjustments and for me it was essential for safety. My understanding is cross fit is intense too so I would personally choose the same.

My doctors advice was also just do what feels right and not too prescriptive so I needed another ally on my side to help decide adjustments.

My instructors were so good - kept my secret from the class until I was ready and also helped me mentally w reminding me to take it easy when needed. No regrets on the early tell.