Girlfriend telling my son he has an allergy when he doesn’t.

I have corrected the situation with my son but I told ExH I do not want this happening in the future.

It's great that you corrected this with your son, and that you're scheduling him for testing, just in case (as you noted in comments).

However you might want to make your peace with the fact that you can't control what happens in the other home. I.e. if after your request/reminder that you have full medical decision making capability as per parenting agreement / custody order and she's still spouting off random stuff; you should concentrate on educating your kid about his own health, and why you shouldn't trust randos off of the internet. Yes, his dad's GF isn't a rando on the internet, but you can probably find ways to convey that people without medical degrees shouldn't be diagnosing people, so he will learn to start not paying attention to her future diagnosises.

If you instead try to insist that she be reasonable, you'll likely just be setting yourself up for disappointment.
@openmyheart This is my plan. I try to have as little interaction with them as possible. I’m definitely teaching him how to weed out pseudoscience stuff and go with science backed, authoritative articles and advice from actual medical professionals.
@sergiomonterroso Lol my baby daddy’s girlfriend is a nurse of like 1 year and loves to diagnose his youngest child. Mom will take her to the dr and get the correct diagnosis and tell him she doesn’t need to be diagnosing the child.
@dupare I sent a very stern email that she is not a medical provider and even if she was she isn’t his provider. She’s stepping outside her role diagnosing my son and if there are any concerns they should be brought up to me. As I handle all of the children’s medical care and always have.
@sergiomonterroso Well my ex gf keeps handing over my son in either to less clothing or to much.

He gets sweaty rash most stone and he needs moisturising cream as the GP said to use E45 and this special cream she gave the mother.

No matter what I do my ex always blames it's my fault such as me giving him a bath or how I'm clothing him. Amount of times I've got him and he all red below is to many times but can't do anything about it.