@charles1014 Oh, this is interesting! As a SAHP I am trying to think of what I aim for every day, but I have really leaned in to the Type B and/or child-led approach. In addition to what you already listed...
We read at least 5 books a day.
At least 15 minutes of song & dance together.
At least 1 creative art activity per day (even if it's just coloring). My kids love crafts but this also really helps develop pre-writing skills and dexterity, and is also a chance for creativity.
At least 1 gross motor activity inside (practice throwing/catching a ball or stuffed animal, practice jumps/somersaults, kids yoga, kick a ball, etc).
She helps cook something probably at least once a week.
Veggie, fruit, and protein served at the main meals, with healthy snack options in between.
We always eat dinner with the entire family together (breakfast and lunch are split up due to school/work schedules).
Snuggle and affirmations at bedtime and wake up time. I also make sure to tell them how much I love being their mom.
We try to walk around outside and greet the neighbors 1-3 times a week. Not the same neighbors every time, but we have a few that we like to say hi to or make art for. Great for social skills & sense of community, and also she knows who she can go ask for help in the event of an emergency. This is also extremely helpful for kids who sometimes sneak out or go outside without permission - everyone knows my kids and knows where they belong. We also have returned a neighbor's toddler home when he snuck out. It's so good to know your neighbors!
I would also aim for some independent play time - kids do not need to be directed and entertained by adults 100% of the time. It's good for them to develop independence and self-directed play.