Spam me with your *aspirational* parenting habits for your 3-5 year old

@charles1014 So it seems like Bedtime Math/MiniMath by Bedtime Math is a non-profit math game for elementary schoolers/pre-schoolers respectively. This looks cool, I'd never heard of it.

One similar thing for reading call Duo ABC (made by DuoLingo) which is a phonic-based reading game that starts with letter sounds and works up towards reading and spelling. We're not trying to do it everyday, but we do end up playing "the letters game" a few times a week.
@charles1014 I can’t say one specific thing that was not mentioned but I nurtured her interests. For a while she loveeed painting. We went through paint like we had a professional studio 😅 now I have lots of canvas art in their playroom. That’s just one example. Let me have my coffee first and think of the other things.
@charles1014 Not totally no screentime , but if I could cap it daily to 30 mins of quality programming or apps that would be something to aspire to. Also, limited processed sugar.
@charles1014 Help cook dinner most nights. Both Daughter's (2.5 & 5) have been helping since two. The oldest even has her own (intentionally dulled) knife. She can break down most veggies (def not onions though). She's a good prep cook, a bit sloppy, but then again I'm not paying her.

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