Spam me with your *aspirational* parenting habits for your 3-5 year old

@charles1014 I would love to have my kiddo (now a baby) do some things to care for the dog, such as giving him his meals at the right time and brushing him. Maybe we can work on caring for the house plants, too!
@charles1014 Encourage the effort put in, not so much the result. Reinforce that practice is needed, and success doesn't come the first (or second, or third) time you try something new.
@charles1014 I’d like it very much if she’s not a very picky eater. I hope cooking with her and gardening will help.

No screen time or very little. I want it to be understood as something we do to relax after a day of activity, not an activity itself.

I hope she enjoys camping and the outdoors and animals as much as my husband and I do.

Mostly though, I just want her to be comfortable being herself and I want to get to know her and understand her. I will love her no matter who she is or what she likes.
@charles1014 I have 2 under 3. Here are my aspirations

Read a book together every day.

Make it through the day without screen time!

Go outside everyday. Even better, a walk, even better, an outing to a playground etc.

Do art or cooking together.

Get one housework task done with child/ren helping.

Play with them, focussed.
@charles1014 Wow. I love this. I haven't really thought about it yet as my baby is only a couple months old still. But I would like to eat together as a family most days of the week.
What math site do you do before bed?
@charles1014 My son and I paint once a day, 3X a week outside once the weather is nice . My husband has a woodworking hobby so we paint the scrap wood.

We take care of our plants every day (I have my son water them).

Every spring I buy the caterpillars from Insect Lore that turn into butterflies so we do that and I try to talk to him about what's going on.

I try and take him to the beach at least once a week.

Water sport like paddle boarding or kayaking once a month in nice weather (would love it to be more but my husband is required to do these with us and do most of the lifting).

He helps in my garden. Right now he def overwaters everything so we are working on that.

He helps with the dog. I'd love for him to get better with that

We also have him in activities 3X a week, and then a play date sometimes too.

I have so many for when our son is older.
@jewellcastaneda Could you share more about the caterpillars? I’m interested in this for my son, but I’ve never heard of it before! Do you keep outside? Does the kit come with instructions? Do you release them when they turn into butterflies?
@charles1014 my additions to your list, that i try to achieve daily:

—something crafty (crayons, paint, chalk, glue, tape, etc)

—music! singing, dancing, nursery rhymes with hand motions, etc.

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