Solo-dadding for 3 days while wife is gone, and just took it from a 0/10 night to a 10/10 morning

@chriscb My wife is taking a much needed five day holiday in a few weeks.

I already had all sorts of plans for how I was going to survive the solo mission. Now I know that all my prepping was completely wasted.

I’ve ordered a large slab of meat
@boidae Not OP but do not attempt to smoke frozen meat.

Given that cut of meat, he probably already had it ready to go in his fridge since it takes a few days to fully thaw.
@chriscb Whenever my wife goes on trips like that I stick way up on comfort food knowing it’s the only way I’ll survive. One 10 day trip I literally felt my blood pressure start to rise haha
@chriscb My man! My wife is on a few day work trip. I have the kids… son is almost 2, daughter is 5 months.

Luckily baby girl slept till 630 and son slept till 7 today so it was hectic but not crazy. Minus the overnight poop explosion I had to clean.

I don’t have a smoker set up sadly but I did buy a slab of bison that I tossed in the sous vide this morning.

Glad I’m not alone on equating wife gone with make meat.
@chriscb I love everything about this. I just welcomed my first baby, a wonderful boy, last week and already cannot wait to fire up the smokers so we can smoke some meat together, even if he can’t eat it yet I just can’t wait to cook with him.
@beam1984 Congrats! You’re gonna have a blast hanging out by the cooker with him, especially when he’s too young to move around and you can just focus on the temps.
@chriscb I used to sweat over the temps until I realized smoking is an art way more than a science. Lil fluctuation here and there won’t ruin it. Sometimes my neglected cooks are the tastiest. Smoked a 12 lb butt before he was born, pulled and vac sealed for the freezer so I can get my bbq fix before I can fire up the smoker again while he’s adjusting to life outside the womb