Solo-dadding for 3 days while wife is gone, and just took it from a 0/10 night to a 10/10 morning

@runforrestrun On the flip side, I’m finding I have zero time to tend the offset stick burner these days with a 1 month old. Also got a Weber Smokey Mountain which is pretty close to set and forget with the ability to go out and check the fire every hour or so.
@maggee I love my Weber Smokey Mountain (WSM). I also have a pellet smoker that I occasionally use for long overnight smokes, but nothing beats that actual charcoal/wood taste in my eyes (or mouth). Like you said, it really does maintain temperature really well once you have it dialed in, but you can still go out and check on it/throw more wood in/catch some air.
@runforrestrun I'd just be scared of the situation where you need to adjust the fire at the same time as the baby needs care. I love my offset but I'm probably going to get a pellet smoker for this reason.