So I’m apparently pregnant on kyleena iud


New member
I feel shocked and betrayed by my body and or this device. I had no issues for 3.5 years. Then a month ago I started to have more discharge than normal but didn’t think too much of it.

I still got soft mild barely there periods pretty regularly. So when this current period came, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Except the period got heavier on day 5 and instead of the normal little brown I’d see when I wipe, I saw bright red. And way more than I’m used to. Weird. But I was like ok maybe iud isn’t as effective anymore on preventing pms?

And then it kept going. I was on day 10 of my period, day 5 of brighter red bleeding when I made it to my OBGYN. To be clear the bleeding wasn’t heavy. I still didn’t need to use big pads. Just liners were enough.

They do a urine pregnancy test just in case and lo and behold I’m pregnant. Wtf?!

They tried doing the transvaginal ultrasound and at first couldn’t find my uterus. That shit hurt. Finally a third lady came in and found it but didn’t see an embryonic sac.

They took out my iud. It was where it was supposed to be, did not move. That traitor.

They did a blood draw. I find out when they called later than my hcG is 152. So it’s too low to show up on an ultrasound (need at least about 2000 they say)

So we have no idea if it’s a normal pregnancy, miscarriage, or ectopic. Too early to tell.

Since Thursday is thanksgiving I can’t go in to do a blood draw again then, even though they recommend doing them every 48 hours. I’m going it today to see where my hcG is at today.

I’m so worried it’s an ectopic. I can feel a little bit of pressure on my pelvis on one side but my uterus seemed to also be on that side, when they did the ultrasound so I’m not sure if it’s from that or if it’s my anxiety or what. I’m not feeling any pain.

Has anyone had this happen?

Is kyleena like not working actually way before year 5 then? It’s just so weird.

Update 11/23/22:

my planned parenthood person finally called me today at 9:50 pm with blood test results, my hcG after 24 was 175 and she said bc it’s going up so slowly it’s most likely ectopic and I should go to the ER to get the injection medicine.

I went to the closest ER that was in network without realizing it’s a catholic hospital. So after hours, blood drawn, ultrasounds, they told me nothing new. “Too early to tell, we can’t do anything. Come back in a few days” very frustrating to say the least especially since I can feel pressure on my right side of the pelvis and I am slightly bleeding.

Update 11/27/22:

I have my next blood test tomorrow finally, my bleeding has lessened and I have been passing some black clots/tissue(?) and most of my pain recently has been in the lower back on the side (at first it was side pelvic pain and sometimes middle), but the pain has changed in the last two days. I'm hoping it's a miscarriage. I will find out more tomorrow.

Update 11/29/22:

my blood draw yesterday showed my hcG went up significantly and they had me come in for aspiration. They couldn’t get my cervix to open and I came in today, they gave me cervix dialating drugs and performed the aspiration. The goal of it to see tomorrow if my hcG goes down. If the pregnancy was in my uterus, then it’ll go down. If it doesn’t go down, the pregnancy is ectopic and they said they’ll give me methodaxone tomorrow.

Update 12/1/22:

They drew blood yesterday and my hcG has plateaued, which means it’s an ectopic. Today they gave me an injection of MTX. Next step is to come in Monday and Thursday and expecting to see a 15% drop in hcG levels from whatever Mondays levels will be - that’s how we’ll know it’s working. Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly from here on out.
@limetownjack I’m so sorry. It’s really scary. I also got pregnant with the kyleena, and had a very early miscarriage just days after finding out. It was a wild emotional rollercoaster. While we weren’t trying, it was a very much wanted pregnancy, and it was so difficult. I really hope you don’t have an ectopic and get the care you need.
@armandorodriguez Thank you! It feels so weird, like surely *I* couldn't have been the exception, I feel like I never thought I'd be in that scenario - everything I've always encountered in my life has been so... average. Lol ... just feels so strange and surreal.
@armandorodriguez You have misinterpreted the results of that study. The study states that 2.4% of the women studied in the IUD group fell pregnant with a year of use. This means that out of over 23,000 women studied in the group, only 460 women fell pregnant. The study actually stated that hormonal IUDs are as effective as tubal ligation, which have a failure rate of is 0.5% and hormonal IUDs have a failure rate of 0.2%
@qsemaj Thank you. They were supposed to call me today by 9pm with the second hcG results but didn’t and now they’re gonna be closed until Monday so I’m just really anxious
@limetownjack Have you ever heard of brain dumping? It's basically where you write down little blurbs about anything & everything you think of for a set amount of time. Sometimes I like to do an audio recording and let myself ramble on & on if the anxiety is more intense than usual but I find having at least some thoughts written down is helpful for future reference.

I recorded literal weeks worth of ramblings for months after I miscarried. I think because I couldn't really bring myself to physically write my thoughts out so I'd just start talking instead. Regardless, it really helps me and so I share this with you in hopes that it'll help you just as much if you're open to trying it.

I'm so sorry you're probably feeling stuck in limbo with nowhere to go, almost like someone stopped time. If it helps, just remember that time won't stand still forever. You will figure this out and get the medical care that you need, no matter the circumstances. Offices will open again on Monday and people will be there for you. Heck! I'm here for you if you need me.

I encourage you to DM me if you want to talk. We're all here for you 💜
@limetownjack I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I became pregnant with my IUD twice and my sister recently had an ectopic pregnancy with hers. Providers don’t share that even with perfect use, millions of women each year will go through this. It’s not fair and I know just how scared you are. I also know, however, that you’re going to get through this and be okay.
@tw1 It makes me wonder what IS the best birth control... I never had issues with IUD but it certainly seems like they don't last as long as they say they do. I've seen a lot of stories here of women getting pregnant with it after 3 years 🤯 Like - would have been nice to know that. and thank you