Should I tell my parents I was raped?

@chesney As a mum with a daughter, I would absolutely want to know. However, I know what it's like from your point of view. When I was younger I was raped by my boyfriend who I was living with at the time. It's taken me years to actually admit to myself what happened, because I felt like I'd put myself in that situation and was so confused about whether I should even call it rape because of our relationship at the time. I still have never told most of my family for fear of how they'd react, but I'd definitely recommend speaking to someone, a therapist or charity, so you can start to heal.

For what it's worth what happened is absolutely not your fault. It doesn't matter how it happened or how you met the person, violating your trust and body like that is never okay in any situation.
@chesney I'm strongly against online dating. However if my daughter was in this situation I'd definitely want to know. I don't know you're parents but this is my style of parenting. I want my daughter to be who she is. She isn't perfect is gonna make her choices in life. I will always be behind her a 100% even if it's choices I don't agree with. Even if she went against my advice I'll always be there. Parents are always supposed to have unconstitutional love for their children.

I'm so Sorry this happened to you. You absolutely do not deserve this hope you can tell your parents. I hope they bring you comfort and love.
@chesney Im so sorry that happened to you love..Just told my parents like 15 min ago I was raped also (M) . But in juvenile hall when I was 14 and the guy was 17. I don't know how she feels but she keeps hugging me like crazy so I'm not sure if you should tell them now or the future
@goodrage I’m so sorry to hear that first and foremost but just know you’re incredibly brave and strong. I really hope things are better for you now and you can heal, which is never linear and is different for everyone. Hang in there and sending love
@chesney I’m a mom of 2. I’m 43. I was sexually abused as a child. I held it in for my parents, for my brother, for everyone that it could affect. It almost killed me. Literally. When I had kids I lost my ability to function. After many visits to doctors and therapist I was repeatedly was told I have PTSD, anxiety, major depressive disorder. I’m on lexapro, buspar, Ativan and cbd oil.

My point: I wished I had talked about it. I wish I had told my parents, my teachers... everyone that would listen so I could have gotten the help I needed (both for it to stop and to heal).

Don’t hold this in. It could kill you.
@rotags47 I am already on Lexapro for anxiety that was diagnosed years ago, so hello fellow lexabro lol!

I'm so sorry to hear that it affected you this much. I am scared of what my mom will say because this means, at some point, I was sexually active. I am always safe of course, but I think she'd be focused more on the fact that I have had sex with multiple men rather than the issue at hand...

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