She isn’t a morning person

@libertyaboveall From the sounds of it, the toddler is awake, but just doesn’t want to get out of bed.

It may seem unfair, sure. My daughter will not pick up her toys unless I tell her the Toy Monster will get them if she doesn’t. It’s not the “threat”, its the idea of losing her toys because she isn’t doing as she’s asked. And you know what? It works every time. “Hurry daddy hurry so the toy monster doesn’t come!” As shes giggling and helping to put away her toys.
@gregbishop Yes. I’ve introduced “grounding” to try to avoid my instinct to yell or spank. I’ve noticed it has worked a lot!

I agree about meaning what I say and saying what I mean! I have tried to explain how not getting ready leads to mommy being late and then mommy not having her job anymore! Not sure how well this concept is sticking but I want her to see the chain reaction of her tantrums. Maybe one day it will click!

Thank you very much for your advice. I appreciate the time you took to help me out!

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