Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

@chenml60 Can you throw money at the problem? Rent a Snoo or hire a doula/night nurse a few hours a week? Even a baby sitter a couple hours during the day? If not, You’ll need to shift sleep with your husband until LO can give longer stretches. Your sleep is as important as his and what you’re doing is unsustainable and pretty unsafe.

If it can’t happen at night he needs to relieve you AS SOON as he gets home from work until his bedtime.
@chenml60 We EFF’d for the same reasons. A bottle to sleep was a miracle. We struggled with the same things you did, OP, and what worked for us was putting LO on the 0-6 month feeding and eating schedule in Moms On Call, which advises a bottle before sleep. It’s just our n=1, but LO slept through the night by night 2 on that schedule. We started around 9 weeks.
@rollo22 My mom bottle feeds her, and sometimes she lays down with her and feeds her that way. She does end up falling to sleep.

There's also supposed to be this new formula that helps baby sleep longer. I saw it on my ads; it's called ByHeart and there is a research study that showed they slept 23 minutes longer than babies on other formula.

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