pUt ThE bAbY dOwN


New member
If I hear this one more time I’m gonna flip my lip.

My 7m old likes to nap in my arms. Every time I try to put her down she wakes up so eventually I gave up and would just do what I need to do when she wakes up. At first I hated it but now I don’t really care because when my fiancé gets home he takes over and I get things done then. I just hate all the constant ‘put the baby down’ ‘you’re only making it worse’ ‘she’s gonna been needy when she gets older’

I. Don’t. Care.

I spent all day yesterday at my aunts house giving in to the whole put the baby down thing and I ended up with a VERY cranky baby who was up from 5am til 11:30pm crying most of the day from being so sleepy. 🤦‍♀️
@potluck45 I held my baby for naps until she was a year, and then one day I wanted to see if she would transition to napping in her pack n play & she did! I still hold her for naps when she isn’t feeling well, but I NEVER regretted holding my sleeping baby.
@katrina2017 Love this! My baby is 9 months and I hold her for all naps too. This seems to be a much bigger problem for everyone except for me 🤷

To me, it's how she gets good naps and I get some rest/phone scrolling time/a nap too if I feel like it cause she lies on me in bed.
She will to to daycare when she's one so I will have to figure something out then, but for now I'll keep doing it!

I figure I will never look back on her childhood and think 'oh I wish I would have cuddled her less'
@theonekingjesus The only solution I found as he’s getting heavy is we curl up in bed together (safe sleeping guidelines, so no loose covers or stuff he can suffocate on) with an arm round him and the other touching him/his hand/arm/hair and usually we both have a good long nap. The smiles are the best part when he wakes up and he’s all yay mummy!
@katrina2017 I shoot for getting my baby down in the crib on most naps but it’s clear when she’s not having it, I just say fuck it and relax and let her nap on me. I’d rather she get an actual nap than spend the same time trying to get her down and still not getting the sleep.
@katrina2017 I hold my son for naps too but its mostly because he usually only accepts the bottle right before he goes down for a nap. He falls asleep on me so might as well chill out for a while, ya? We sleep trained him so we a little bit of both.
@katrina2017 Same here, he was worn for sleep from 4-14 mo. It was hard sometimes but no regrets. One day he was ready to get put down (around when he started walking a lot).
@potluck45 I have a 1 month old and people are giving me shit about it already. My boyfriend was letting him lay on his chest yesterday for a couple hours and my mom took me aside to tell me we're going to "ruin" him. He's legit one month old, and was born 6 weeks early to begin with. If they had it their way, the only times he would be held was when he was eating.
@lisarebecca I promise you will not ruin him. That kind of stuff comes later when people don't set boundaries for their kids beginning when they are toddlers and learning cause and effect
@lisarebecca Don’t listen to her. First of all, skin to skin is great for any baby, especially one born early. And second of all, I held my baby to nap and she naturally transitioned away from it as she started walking and becoming more independent. This whole post got me missing when she was tiny and would nap on me.

Don’t let anyone stop you. You cuddle that precious baby!