pUt ThE bAbY dOwN

@potluck45 You do you. I have 2 kids and the best advice I can offer on child bearing is if you are positive you are doing what is best your family then that is what you are going to do. Notice how i say best for your family - this includes both parents and kids.

Now about specifically baby sleeping and sleep patterns: the phases change. Constantly. So no point in putting a lot of effort in "teaching" a baby how he should fall asleep, when to sleep and where. Babies have sucky days too and most of them handle it badly hehe

Remember people are trying to be helpful (most of the time ;)). So when they offer advice whatever it is, say thanks I'll try that tomorrow, he is in a really bad mood today. He is probably teething/had a horrible night/whatever so I'll keep him on me today.
Don't let others' words push you into actions you do not approve. They are just words. You choose to accept or (politely) disregard.

And to wrap a long post: its tough being a first time parent. You're scared and are constantly questioning yourself. Chin up, enjoy the cute parts and it'll get better.

Take care xx
@potluck45 I got sick of people saying this to me as well. Now my baby isn’t cuddly at all, and I miss those times! Also had zero issues with transitioning her to her own bed. People have no idea what is right for your baby. You do what you think is right and you will never go wrong!
@potluck45 If it's not a problem for you, then it's not a problem. It was a problem for me because I was working and needed nap time to do my job, so I sleep trained. It sucked for a few days, but was ultimately a success. She started taking nice long naps in her crib and I could do what I needed to do. Enjoy those baby cuddles!