PUMP Act blocked

@sandraovercomer I don’t want to say I would LIKE to be dependent on a man, but I would like for wages to pretty universally allow for a one income household. As it is, most families NEED two incomes, no choice at all. That’s the case in our household, but wait- the catch is, we could BARELY afford daycare. So, need to pay daycare in order to be able to work, have to work to pay for reliable child care and other necessities, oh and wait prices of everything are going up while salaries stagnate. Fricking cluckercluck.
@lackadaisical Just an FYI, they don’t pay for 6 weeks. I got 0 paid maternity leave. They just can’t fire you for 12 weeks. That’s all. I work in healthcare and got nothing from my company.
@taylor1391 On top of that, you’re on the hook for your own health insurance costs during the 12 weeks. And if they’ve paid in the employers share for the health insurance then you’re obligated to work for at least 30 days after birth or you owe that money. Thanks America!
@taylor1391 Yeah I didn't realize that my position was protected for 12 weeks not paid. I have waited to try again for another baby because to get the 12 weeks fmla you have to have worked for a year. Then went to a benefits seminar to find out it wasn't paid.
@lackadaisical I literally made a comment explaining to some idiot in another sub about how we have little to no time off to establish breastfeeding before going back to work in response to the whole “iF yOu JusT bReAst FeEd YoU dOn’T nEed ForMula. It’S cAllEd SaCrAfiCe!”

I literally explained my exact experience returning from a long 10 weeks of mat leave without any exaggeration. How quickly my daughter outpaced what I could pump at work, even though I was doing everything I could (and explained my nightly power pumping session from 3:30-5am). I was downvoted and got comments like “bullshit”.

No one sees our struggles. No one cares to learn about it. They don’t care to deal with us at all. Anyone know of a women’s rights mili tia because I am terrified and no one is going to fight for us as this shit slips further into a theocratic dystopian nightmare.
@lifeinone I relate to this so hard. I pump 3x a day and work full time (all I have "spoons" for), but my son who eats ~30 oz/day is definitely getting mostly formula at this point!
@lifeinone I found the jerk that make the “bullshit” response on your other post and snooped his profile. Just, ugh. Don’t be stupid like me. Don’t check his NSFW profile 🤢

He’s an idiot.
@yunus061 You have to be fking kidding me. Calling now.

My GOP Senator is retiring. I hate that his possible replacement is a doctor who wouldn't support the AAP guidelines either.