Should I even get a breast pump?

@nicolecham I’d get it because you pay for it through insurance and it’s free anyway. Maybe give it away.

I mean I just personally threw away 3 pumps that were 7 years old that sat in my garage for 6 years and I forgot about and they were moldy and gross.
@nicolecham I would get the pump, especially if it is free. I combo feed now and rarely need to pump, but still keep up with that early morning pumping because I just am very uncomfortable. It's just good to have options.
@nicolecham I knew i wouldn’t pump for long .. but I wanted to give it a go. I ordered one through insurance. I pumped for a month and then I donated it to a mom in need.
@nicolecham I hated pumping, but if you want to breast feed even for a short amount of time you may need it…. Even if it’s to use it once or twice. Sometimes babies latch isn’t great and you need a little help pumping out what’s left, or if something is kind of clogged.

If it’s free through insurance, I’d say get it.
@nicolecham *READ: My baby needed my pumped milk WAY sooner than we expected. I built up a 3 day stash from overproducing before my milk regulated. I had to have an emergency surgery to extract my retained placenta 6 weeks after birth and my in laws had to watch our son for 2 days while I was in the hospital. I don’t know what we would’ve done if we didn’t have that milk. He had a dairy allergy and rejected formula for awhile. I also needed to pump while in the hospital to avoid engorgement and mastitis.

**ALSO My baby had a bad allergy to dairy and we had to keep him on breastmilk until we found a hypoallergenic formula that he accepted. I hope this doesn’t happen to anyone, but I had to pump a lot longer than expect when I went back to work just to get him to accept and slowly transition to a formula his stomach could safely digest.

Like other parents are saying, you don’t know what could happen, it’s with having the free covered pump just in case. The completely covered pumps are usually plug ins and not portable, which sounds like it might be sustainable for your situation.

People say pumps can’t be reused, but I would more likely use a non wearable pump, since the parts don’t actually come in contact with your milk. I recommend the spectra gold if covered.

Good luck!
@nicolecham Adding to the crowd, but I’d definitely take whatever free one they give you just as an insurance policy. Obviously the odds are that everything with baby will be totally fine, but there are situations (preemie, NICU for illness, etc) where it might not be a bad idea to give a little breast milk for awhile. It can also help with engorgement, if you decide to pump a few times a day for a short amount of time, etc. If you never use it, it was free and you can donate it, so it’s a win win.