Overhead Coworkers B*tching About My Pump Sessions

@sierra98loveretail They must not have children. This is the kind of shit people do and say before they have been there. Pumping sucks, being a working breastfeeding mom is so hard. I pump at 9am and take my first meeting as I do this pump. Then I pump again at 12 during my lunch time. Then again at 3:30. I do my best to pump around others time and it sucks and it’s a huge inconvenience to me. I’m sorry you have to deal with jerks in your office.
@sierra98loveretail Wow. Why are people like this? I can't imagine this happening, but if it did happen to me, I hope I'd be able to say something to them.

At the very least, ignore them and GO PUMP! Don't skip pumping sessions and make yourself uncomfortable and not to mention, mess up your supply. Remember you have a right to pump.
@sierra98loveretail I went through something slightly similar a couple months ago right after I went back to work on leave! I was sitting in my office doing some admin work and overheard some other coworkers in the next office over talking about how weird it is for me to pump at work. I don’t think they knew I was there or that I could hear them so I very loudly slammed my office door shut and then never heard them speak about it again 🤷🏼‍♀️ probably not the best way to go about it, but I was freshly postpartum and way to hormonal/hurt to say anything to their faces. Although my situation was slightly different because I use wearable pumps and just continue on with my day around my coworkers most of the day and for the most part have a very relaxed work space with the chillest people and boss
@sierra98loveretail Yeah you are much better than me. I'll answer emails or teams messages on my phone but my output was significantly lower when I tried to work and pump so I just relax. Those people have zero right to make you feel ashamed for taking care of your child!
@sierra98loveretail Oh my god! They can kiss our ass. Shame on them, this makes me so angry. People can be so miserable and hurt other people in the process. What you are doing is incredible and you should NEVER feel the need to hide it to please others. Ignore such asshats and remember that what you are doing is incredibly selfless and beneficial to your baby 🩷 stay strong 💪🏻