PUMP Act blocked


New member
I hope this is okay to post...

While we're all focusing on Roe v Wade, GOP Senators blocked a bill that would have expanded pumping rights to over 9 million mothers, siting it was "too burdensome on businesses". Also, the breastfeeding recommendations were just expanded to 2 years. Also, there's a formula shortage.

Ladies, we gotta fight for our rights. Contact your officials, pleeeeease!!!

Edit to add:

this seemed like a good source to find how to contact senate/rep/congress etc all in one place.

Second edit, here's the aap update https://www.aap.org/en/news-room/ne...others-within-updated-policy-recommendations/
But Google has many news articles.
Also, fed is best, whether you don't BF, BF for 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years, this is by no means knocking anyone so please don't take it that way.
@yunus061 How bout they pay for maternity leave that lasts more than 6weeks? Then we wouldn't have to pump at work. Maybe that. No. That would also be too burdensome on businesses. So would paying a living wage.
@lackadaisical Their goal is to have all women be SAHMs, and completely dependent on men. How many posts a week do we get on here with women saying they'd rather quit than go back to work at 6 weeks, or how it's not sustainable to keep their supply up because they have to pump in a storage room?
@sandraovercomer I genuinely believe this is the ultimate goal for some of these elected officials. But I have to wonder if they’ve spent any time thinking this through (I know they have not). Everyone take a look around at how many women fill critical roles in your companies and then factor in the already extreme labor shortage… now remove the parents (mostly mothers). How do they expect society to continue to function?

On top of that - the number of families that would dip right into poverty is astronomical. Hardly anyone can support a family on one income.

I just don’t get it - it’s one thing to have such stunted views on the role of women in society but to simply not grasp basic economics is startling.
@sandraovercomer Among mental health reasons and lack of affordable daycare, the higher reason I quit my job (going back to work in a few months) is because while my job site had 2 very nice pumping rooms with no break restrictions (meaning we could pump at least every 1.5-2 hours without clocking out) there were over 500 employees and we had to get on the schedule. I was was only ever able to snag 4 spots in the two months I came back to and my milk was stolen 3x. They also didn't allow sharing, so two people can't pump simultaneously together in the room.

Shelves still don't have formula. On the days they receive shipments for stores in my area, there are lines of women waiting.
@smithy60 Okay, your milk was stolen? That horrifies me. I'm all for sharing milk, but not without consent and info. Like, these are the people that will eat off a strangers plate without considering whether it may have been sneezed on. But also, stealing your hard work!? Ooooh, that makes me mad.
@taliine Yeah, it was bad. I had to buy a lock for my insulated lunch bag that I kept my milk in. So many people used the room there was no point in even filing a complaint. But I did make friends with one of the custodian dudes and he hyper cleaned a bathroom stall for me every time I gave him a 15min heads up I needed to pump.

Our country is such bullshit.
@smithy60 Now I'm even more mad! You had to resort to a bathroom stall!? I'm so glad he was there for you. (Grumbles about insufficient pumping rooms).
@richardlp They structured with open floor conference rooms so that nobody can 'hide', they don't have doors and floor to ceiling clear walls which you can see in from the smoking pit outside 🙃
@smithy60 This makes me so mad that our pumping rooms are so pointless.

I was only pumping in the office for two days before COVID, but both days a man was napping in the pumping room for more than an hour when I needed to go in. I thought my boobs were going to explode.
@mony44 Wanna hear something worst? Maternity “leave” is two weeks because it’s under 50 employees so no FMLA and the team lead (who’s a woman) said “expect not to have a job if you take more than 2 weeks off”. This is a nonprofit who goes on and on about inclusivity, takes part in pride, is really big on removing “man” in “manpower”… virtue signalling. They hate mothers.
@gmenroc Jeez, this is so disgusting. If they were truly able to totally get us to stay home, they damn sure would. They would rather see us in the kitchen cooking and keeping the home neat and tiddy till their husband gets home. However I have to admit all of these things they are doing to make it harder for women to work or go back to work makes it seem like we are going backwards. I really feel like we are but women are so strong and don't take no shit. We are going to fight for equality!!!!
@mony44 In their eyes it is equality, men shouldn’t take more than two weeks off too. Team lead says bringing in children to the world is the worst thing you can do (we are an environmental and sustainability research non profit) and REALLY shows it.
@mony44 They want us in the home, but they don't want to pay decent wages to allow that to happen for those who do want to stay home.

And when all these mothers are back in the home... then what? We're at 3% unemployment, where are they gonna get the workers? More or less 20 years before the after effects (babies post roe overturn) are eligible for employment. But nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk ArRrRrG!!!!!

It really is robbing Paul to pay Peter.