Pregnant by Pull out method


New member
So hubby and I have relied on the pull out method literally our entire sexually active relationship (8 years). We have 2 children, and both times I got pregnant before, we definitely weren’t pulling out. He as always had amazing self control and my cycles have always been super regular, so i was never interested in taking any birth control. He was so sure of himself, that between the two of us he gave himself the nickname “Captain Pullout”. I had no reason to doubt him (as I said, 8 years w/no problems), and we both literally thought that couples that said they got pregnant from pullout method just weren’t doing it right 🤷🏻‍♀️ Well here we, are 1 week late, with 4 positive pregnancy tests 😳. He is in compete denial that the “Captain” sunk the ship 🤦🏻‍♀️ and I’m not gonna lie, I kinda can’t believe it either 😳. Of course I have been told all my life about “pre cum” blah blah blah, but I had 8 years to the contrary! Is this real life? 😱🤦🏻‍♀️


I never meant for this post to be offensive to anyone. I have since changed the flair to “experience”, as that is all I was doing was sharing my experience. I don’t need a Sex Ed’s a little too late for that anyways lol


Yes we plan to keep the baby lol this pregnancy did not destroy our 6 year marriage nonetheless our 10 year relationship lol
@lijuea I lowkey love this sub. Such a diverse group of women. We usually get the “I’m on the pill and he used a condom, he came in the condom inside me. Should I take Plan B just in case” posts but today we got the “Pulling out worked for 8 years”.

Love it!
@lijuea For what it's worth your story made me laugh. Also, I had no idea people could go on for so long with the pull out method! Thank you for sharing!
@rj786 Lol thank you for your comment! I never meant for this thread to get so deep 😳 and only had lighthearted intentions when posting it 🤷🏻‍♀️
@lijuea Withdrawal used perfectly is 96% effective per year. To figure out its effectiveness over 8 years, you multiply 0.96 x 0.96, 8 times, which = 0.721. So you essentially had a 28% chance of this happening over that timespan - not too crazy that it did.
@lijuea That number is just an estimation though, unlike other birth control statistics that are based on clinical trials. No one has ever conducted a trial on pulling out (because who would pay for it?), so the perfect use number means little.
@adidan1 Ok. Still exists.

A more truthful statement is...there is not enough research to come up with an accurate ‘perfect use.’ We do know / suspect some men have sperm in their precum.

Saying ‘no research’ is implying the numbers are wrong / without any merit.
@iessuman This is the REAL answrr. All over the sciences there are replication crises cause scientists dont usually get funding to conduct a follow up studyvto see if their results match up a second time ir more times.

So the truth is that for the pull out method we have no idea how ineffective or effective it is yet.
@lijuea Well FWIW, my bf and I used the pullout method effectively for one month before falling pregnant the second month lol. Our little guy is almost 3 months old now and I'm on Mirena. The upside was having all the pregnancy sex, no worries when you're already preggers 😂
@kw07 Right, because asking someone to stop being inappropriate automatically makes me a Karen. 🙄

This was a discussion about the pull out method and pregnancy. Neither OP or myself expressed being upset or confused about becoming pregnant that way, nor did either of us ask for advice or possibilities of how it happened. You're the one being inappropriate and lecturing me about how male ejaculation works, which I am already well aware of. It is disrespectful, rude, and unwelcome. And I have stated as much as respectfully as possible. So then you insult me with sarcasm.
