Pregnant by Pull out method

@adidan1 We actually have discussed this! He’s not opposed, we just never really went through with it because pull out worked so well for so long lol so we kinda procrastinated on putting down the money for the procedure lol and as everyone has said, we’ll deal with the consequences lol we were prepared for it lol
@lijuea My boyfriend and I used the pull out method for the first 3.5 years of our relationship. He referred to himself as the Pull Out Samurai. Due to issues related to endometriosis, I ended up going on birth control about 6 months ago and I'm glad I did! Seeing another pull out aficionado end up pregnant reminds me of how much of a risk we were taking all those years. Best of luck to you guys!
@lijuea It shouldn’t be any surprise that you got pregnant this way. Just because you managed to avoid pregnancy for 8 years this way, doesn’t mean that it’s an effective method as you’ve now proven to yourself.
@lijuea Umm yea. Its not completely effective. Better forms of protection.would be a.condom or the pill or an IUD or even sterilization - whatever works best for you in the moment or wherever you are in life.

But going raw and pulling out? Hmmmmmm you should careful about it...

Hope it all worked out in the end
@aninymouse Thank you lol is it unexpected? Yes. Am I devastated? No lol I’m 27, been married for 6 years, with him for 10. This isn’t the end of the world for me lol
@lijuea I got you girl. Some people need to get of their high-horse. Hormonal birth control isn’t for everyone or the cramps that come from the copper iud either. Sometimes you wanna rawdog it with your husband of eight years. Who is anybody else to judge?

You do what works for you until it doesn’t. Its not like you were doing the pullout method with strangers in bars.
@aninymouse OK now a lot of this I never knew of. Thanks for sharing. Nobody told me that cramps with the copper IUD existed but when I think carefully about it it makes sense that a hard metallic thing sitting in your innards couple be painful at times.

And also ya, she wasnt raw dogging it with randos so that is a very big plus in a situation like this!
@aninymouse maybe he just wasnt that fertile, so odds were always in your favor? just lucky? who can say about these things. Someone mentioned that pullout is actually very successful, but their numbers make condoms look like they arent even helpful, so am doubtful.
@uggalugg There are zero methods that work all of the time, and they all depend on luck. Doesn't mean they "don't work." The numbers people are giving for method effectiveness are from the CDC - it's 98% for condoms and 96% for pulling out.