Pregnant 9-5 mamas


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This is both a vent post and a looking for advice post. I’m currently 26 weeks and I’m starting to find it difficult to get through the work day. I have honestly had a really easy pregnancy so far, have been physically active, healthy and overall having a good time. My job is a 9-5 office job at my family landscaping business, so it is a lot more flexible than many jobs. All that said, I feel bad even complaining because I’m sure some of you work longer, harder jobs and have not had a walk in the park pregnancy. But I’m reaching the point where I can’t make it through the day without crashing or having an emotional breakdown about how I’m going to do this for the next 14 weeks. This afternoon I wanted to lay my head down at my desk just for 10 minutes to try and recharge, and I reset my timer 6 times before giving up because every single time 3 minutes in the phone would ring or someone would come in and I felt like I was going to lose my mind. Crying thinking about it while I’m writing this. I hate to complain and I’m sorry to all of you that have it much harder than me but I just needed to vent and if anyone has experience with this and has any tips please share
@manuelbeaty I think you have every right to vent no matter how much more or less difficult your job is. Being pregnant is hard. You’re growing a human and deserve all the grace in the world.

I’m 34+5 and dream every day of going to my boss and telling him I’m done with working. I’m a teacher, and everyday when the kids go to their enrichment class for 50 minutes, I grab a pillow from the library, lay on the floor, and nap. Fear of lice be damned. I would not be able to make it through the day without it.
@iluvatar5150 It’s so hard! I used to be a teacher before I worked for my family and there is absolutely no way I could continue that job pregnant so I feel for you. On the flip side, I would have just quit if I were still a teacher whereas now my family depends on me in the office so I can’t just quit and leave them hanging
@manuelbeaty Also no advice but I feel you. I CANNOT WAIT to stop working. I have no interest in my meaningless office job. I feel sick, tired and unmotivated. I'm basically just pretending to work and get this - I'm only 8 weeks!!! How am I going to make it????

Are you taking maternity leave? Try to focus on the future. You will hopefully be out of there soon.
@hannathomas13 I am taking leave but only 6 weeks, then I will go back part time. It sucks working for family and feeling obligated because if I didn’t work for them I would just quit and not go back to work at all until my kid is older but they need me in the office
@manuelbeaty I just made a comment about this! I’m 6 weeks right now and if I had a job I would have to call in and fire myself because I feel waaaay to sick to do anything but also I just ordered best rest from my doctor so maybe it would’ve worked out. Either way NO PREGNANT WOMAN SHOULD HAVE TO WORK!!!! From the point of gestation!!!
@manuelbeaty I'm only 8 weeks but I feel so sick every day. I have spring break now, but I'm dreading going back to school. Technically I can take off as much as I want, but I'd have to read up on everything from home and I doubt I'll have the energy..
@manuelbeaty I feel you! I have a 9-5 job and my boss has been mostly accommodating. I WFH in the mornings (because that’s when I feel the sickest) and sit at my desk the rest of the day. It’s a typical office job, so no need to walk much, which is helpful because it tends to make me feel queasy and out of breath.

Even with all that, It still majorly sucks. I’m mostly trying to get through the day without puking and doing as minimal work as possible because my brain is not working properly.
@joseph33 Good luck mama! I’m lucky I haven’t been sick much. I’m just hitting the point where the fatigue is so bad I can barely make the drive home after working all day
@manuelbeaty I feel this so much. I wasn’t expecting pregnancy to be this draining and I really struggle comparing my experience to people who still (seem) to do it all. I’m really struggling with anaemia which leaves me exhausted all the time, and SPD which makes sitting, standing or walking extremely uncomfortable within minutes. I’m lucky to be able to wfh and spread my hours out when I’m exhausted but it’s just hard.
@urashimataro See I’ve actually had an easy pregnancy and I’m still struggling to push thru the day, so I have no idea how women who have hard pregnancies and sickness are able to do it
@manuelbeaty The only advice I have is nap on your break lol, that’s how I’m making it through the days right now as a toddler teacher. Pregnancy is hard - and mine has been pretty easy in comparison as well. That says something, that even an easy pregnancy, is HARD. Women are strong and we deserve better 😭
@katrina2017 I’m a toddler teacher too and some days are TOUGH. I’m come to terms with the phrase “let it be.” I take my time and go slow, and I try not to rush things even if I know I’m on a time crunch. My safety and sanity are more important that rushing and risking injury.
@katrina2017 I always work through my lunch because I’m late basically every day and I’m given a lot of leeway given that my parents are my boss, so I feel obligated to not take a break
@manuelbeaty I am 15 weeks and have felt this way since 10 weeks. I crash at 3pm, it's so hard :( I work in an office, but I just get the overwhelming need to lay down. It's exhausting. I have a blanket at my desk for the cold months, and I have laid my head on it a few times. I had to up my protein just to stop the blinding headaches I was getting, so I am hoping that helps. I'm sorry, I have no advice, I can only relate.