Announcing Pregnant w 4th

@tallcotton Ohh I got pregnant with my first at 24. Everyone’s first question was “was it planned?”. Still makes me sad 2 years later, and a little nervous for when we do announce again since we’re about to start trying for our second next week.
@tallcotton Definitely think we should respond to the TV comment with a very concerned expression. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize people with small families lived in sexless marriages." Extra points if a spouse is right there haha
@tallcotton Don’t you kind of feel bad about the people who make comments along the lines of “don’t y’all have anything better to do than make babies?” Like, sorry my spouse and I enjoy sex and raising a family!
@tallcotton Oh man I’ve heard about the tv in the bedroom comment, but I cannot believe there’s actually people out there saying that in real life haha. Wow! Thanks though, it’s really nice to know I’m not alone in this experience.

I also can relate to the gender questions and bizarre assumptions. And I’m sure you will get those annoying comments, I’m sorry. Our first two were one gender and most people just assumed we were desperate to have the opposite gender for our third, as if that meant we would feel our family was “complete”. Meanwhile, I come from a family of only girls and I love that part of my identity! I think there’s something so cool and magical about having all boys or all girls. But then again, we have a mix and that’s great too!