Pregnant 9-5 mamas

@confusedfather111 I felt the same during first trimester with the 3 pm crash. I got a break weeks like 18-23/24 with the second trimester energy but ever since last week I’m just dead by noon. I hope you get some energy during your second trimester and get a break before it comes back!
@manuelbeaty 12 weeks here. I work in a lab. I feel this 100%. Wish I had advice to give. I just take a nap when I’m slow with patients/samples of if I can. Growing a human is hard work. BUT, we got this!!
@manuelbeaty Im 32 weeks ish now and pretty much off work. Theres not a lot for me to do there anymore and when i am there i feel pretty useless like my brain has already switched into baby mode. Its quiet season at work so they keep giving me the day off 😂 i know ill never get the freedom to lounge around all day again. I had stopped doing massages at 25 weeks though as it was too much giving me early labour contractions. I just did reception work the last few weeks and that was still difficult.
@manuelbeaty 33 weeks and don’t know how I’m going to make it to the due date. I am so over working full time while pregnant. Sometimes I cry in the mornings.

Feeling your pain girlfriend.
@manuelbeaty I lead a class of 8 2 year olds til 36 weeks, often filling in to lead the 10 - 3 years olds too and I was fine until the last 2 weeks. I think I did break down and cry the last week I was there because one of the 3s decided to declare all our war on me my last few days and I couldn't handle it lol but I'm glad I stayed active as long as I did! The last 5 weeks at home DRAGGED.
@katrina2017 Yeah I definitely enjoy staying active, I still work out every morning and I walk a lot in my office, it’s just the stretch of the work day it’s like I either need a break or reduced hours or something I just can’t focus on tasks and get so tired
@manuelbeaty No advice here but just adding on to the comments saying SAME. I'm 19+6 and I cannot wait for the (small amount) of maternity leave that I have.

I also work a desk job. I'm tired all the time. I feel like that burst of energy I had at the start of the 2nd trimester is fading away. It's getting increasingly difficult for me to care about anything at work. I just really only care about the baby, my partner, and preparing our home for the baby. I wish I could just take time off now without it having to dig into the PTO I'm saving up for parental leave. I know I could because I still need days off for my own work-life balance and mental health but it's so hard to take it when I really want to save up my days 😭