Pregnancy pillows are overrated

@olyvic Ugggh same. My hips are always killing me. The only thing that gives me relief is my heating pad combined with stretching, but it’s still only temporary
@olyvic Same. I’m 37 weeks and I’m miserable. Sleep has been long gone for awhile now. I can’t wait to sleep
On my side/stomach again.
@mike84k I decided after a week or so I don’t like mine, so I tossed it on the floor in the middle of the night. My dog promptly found it and she loved it and declared it to be her newest bed. I’m now 2 months postpartum and she’s sleeping on the floor next to my bed, curled up in that pillow.
@hoop I absolutely love mine. The only con is how much space it takes up, but my husband insisted on getting me one and I’m so glad he did. I went to lie down on it for a few minutes to test it out and ended up falling asleep hard and napping for like 2 hours accidentally 😂 I definitely sleep better with it, but it’s by no means a perfect solution.
@researchguy2 Same story. I was very adamant that this is an unnecessary expense and I can just wing it with normal pillows as needed. Well, yesterday I told husband I am humbly eating my words because I'm at my wit's end and can we please go buy a pregnancy pillow. I got the cheapst ok-looking one from a chain store, and maintained that this is just for trying out (he wanted to get a very expensive monstrosity). Got home, figured the thing out, lay down for a couple of minutes to try it out, and awoke hours later, in the dark, way past dinner time (so we ate at 22:00). I'm 18weeks, and on night 1 already it has made a significant difference.
@hakatan Definitely. Glad you’re able to get comfy! I think I’m more annoyed that I can’t complain to anyone about not sleeping well without them asking if I have one. They’re just trying to help though. Pregnancy hormones are taking over…
@hoop Ive had terrible morning sickness, been medicated, but still sucks and I want to MURDER anyone that’s like “have you tried ginger” like, have I tried the most widely known anti nausea trick in the whole fucking world?! Yah.
@wendymyers Yes! Another thing that annoys me is when I show friends (who don’t have children btw) little outfits I’ve gotten and they say “don’t buy newborn sized clothes, they’ll grow out of it so fast.” 1. You have no idea what size my baby is going to need. 2. I’m not buying everything newborn sized. Just look at my outfit and agree that it’s super cute.
@hoop I hate when I just want to complain and people jump to problem solving. I totally get where you're coming from. Pregnancy can be a bitch and sometimes we just want to complain about it.
@hoop I have two; a giant one shaped like a C and an S together & a small boppy wedge that just fits under my belly. The boppy is better as it just relieves some of the “sag” from my belly when I’m lying on my side. The big bulky one just takes up space. My cat loves it though!