Pre-K teacher says my 4 year old is stealing

@worshipguitar That’s harsh. 4 year olds still need guidance on what’s what. My kid literally swipes toy cars from nyc restaurant tables (if there is a kid who left his toy car out) as we are walking on the street and when I notice, we need to walk them back. He doesn’t try to hide it. He doesn’t think of it as stealing. All he thinks is cool car I want to play with that. It takes time to learn.
@worshipguitar I think I would have to ask her for another private moment, and let her know it didn’t sit well with me. That kind of language is inappropriate for a four-year-old.
Stealing implies intent. That’s not what was happening here. It seems to me like someone may not know how to use age appropriate language with children, and that could cause other issues.
@worshipguitar She sounds really out of touch. I’d make sure the director knows about the kook in the four year old room.

Honestly I wanted to say a lot of bad words in response to this but in an effort to keep things PG for the parents I am holding back.
@worshipguitar The teacher deciding to discipline your child right in front of you without even discussing it was crossing the line. I would’ve had some WORDS lemme tell ya.
@worshipguitar I think that the teacher is insecure, and possibly a number of other things that are her private business. She has given you an insight into how she perceives her students and her classroom. You could bring this up to the principal as a complaint; but I don’t think anything good would come from it. Even if you try to prevent it, your son is likely to sense that something is going on because of what he did, and he will feel like what he did was far more serious than it is. He is likely to feel responsible for any negative things that happen to his teacher. Even if you’re justified in taking action, it’s not the most loving thing to do for your child. You have a good relationship with your son, and a good understanding of his behavior. Keep on being a steady encourager at home. If he starts showing signs of distress about school, then you might have to address the issue, first with the teacher, and possibly the principal. If you’re generally happy with the school and you want to keep your son in that school, then try to work with them if your son needs you to. Just keep his best interest in mind, and you will make the right decisions.
@worshipguitar I'm a pre- school teacher and this is nuts to me! Even if I knew someone was doing this all the time and I found it annoying I'd still never think they were 'stealing' but that the kid found comfort in those items.... Sounds like one of those rare teachers that have no understanding of kids at all....I'm sorry she did that to your child. I'd be pissed.
@worshipguitar The teacher’s words were too severe and accusatory to use on a 4 year old. “Stealing?” That was a cruel thing to say to an innocent child who is practically still a baby and still learning the ropes. He/she liked the marbles and just did what they always do, stick them in the pocket to play with later. It was very insensitive of the teacher to accuse your very young child of purposely being bad when he/she was not intending to. Sounds a bit verbally abusive.
@worshipguitar I'm not saying that I agree with the teachers wording, but I think it is reasonable to ask if you are sure this is the first time, or is this simply the first time the teacher has got you involved.

If the teacher has raised this just with your child on a few occasions already, then that would certain put this in a rather different light. Your child says they didn't know, a 4-year-old is both capable of completely forgetting, but also of lying - of claiming that they didn't know when they did (and, maybe, are embarassed to admit that they had forgotten.)

I repeat, I am not saying that this is what has happened, but suggesting it as a possible alternative.
@worshipguitar My little mate went through a really sticky fingered stage - we made the rule 'If you make it, you can take it.' It helped.

Not so much when he took home half finished work for a class display - "I made it, I can take it!" Natural consequence was a undecorated paper plate christmas tree at home instead of a decorated one on the room door. Learning is fun.
@worshipguitar Your kid is Four, the preschool teacher needs to get a grip. I would 100% for my child from that classroom. This is the kind of thing that your son could hold onto for a lifetime. I know if that happened to me I would still think about it in my 40s now.
@worshipguitar As a teacher and mom, your kid steal. They took something that wasn’t theirs. You have allowed them to take things that aren’t theirs in nature. The problem is you haven’t taught them what’s ok to take like a rock vs not taking from others.