Pre-K teacher says my 4 year old is stealing

@worshipguitar You need to have a conversation with the teacher. They don’t know that your child didn’t understand this behavior was different from out doors. What other kids will she do this to? It is fine that she said something, in fact it is helpful. But it is a teachable moment. It should be treated as such without assuming ill intent.
@worshipguitar If her mode of teaching is to not only treat children like they are all the same (not equal/unequal but the same) and to be that strict I don’t think your child is going to have a beneficial experience at that school/in her class. She could have sat down with the child and asked why they had the marbles and explained why they shouldn’t have them now rather than writing them off as a thief and treating them like a thief. The teacher is not the parent and you don’t have to feel socially obligated to submit to their authority, that child is YOUR child and you have the right to be strict with those assigned to teach them.
@worshipguitar Reading way after the first message. I literally had this discussion with my ,4 nearly 5 year old son today. He realised that I kept some cough drops in my backpack and pinched them. He didn't really hide that he was eating one of them...but didn't really want to admit that he took them from me. I explained the situation,- my backpack- my stuff- only with my permission.
And discussed how he would feel if someone took something of his without asking..
Import to add that I tried to do this without adding the feeling of shame. Not sure how your kid is but my son feels really 'bad' very easily. Even if we didn't imply it at all
It's crap that the teacher implied thievery- race aside. This is just a concept that kids of this age do not understand.
@worshipguitar She’s magpie-ing, not stealing. My daughter and many other little girls do the same. A four year old probably doesn’t even know what stealing is other than maybe from a store. WTHeck kind of school is this?!
@worshipguitar I had this EXACT interaction with a teacher when my son was 4…. I actually laughed when she said it the first time… because I’m like “they’re 4” actually had the principal call me too about it… I was like “ I will buy you more supplies they’re 4” absolutely ridiculous at this age! Keep your head up, momma 🤗

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