Postpartum B.O


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Nobody talks about the postpartum stink lol. I’m hoping it’s not just me! Happened with both my babies. For several months afterwards my sweat is so potent. I’ve always been a sweaty person but it normally doesn’t smell too bad. But postpartum me stiiiiinks lol. Anyone else? 😂
@conteh My hypnobirthing teacher talked about this! Apparently it’s for helping your baby be able to find you by smelling you. Kind of a long the same lines of why your nipples get darker to make it easier for baby to see. As somebody who already feels like pregnancy has made me have BO I’m like oh boy how much worse is this gonna get lol
@genuinelynot87 I heard that too! And I heard it’s not great to use strong smelling things or to “change your scent” (like what body wash scent you get regularly, etc) when you have a baby too. But I could be way wrong lol
@conteh For the first week pp I hated the postpartum bleeding smell, I thought I smelt like a corpse, I asked my husband a lot and he said he didn’t smell anything, after that smell went away I was sweating a lot and that smell was also pretty intense, I’m 3 months pp now and honestly don’t smell anything on me anymore but everybody’s different! And on a hot day, I do stink😅
@him2lead Like a corpse 💀 girl, SAME! I was like, why did no one warn me about this?! And then the night sweats and stanky BO, just not a pretty time. I read it’s so the baby can find your boobie!
@him2lead Omg the ONE thing no one told me was the smell of the blood. I kept asking my husband for days what the smell was… it was me! I had 2 placentas so I don’t know if it was worse or what, but holy smokes… ew
@milan45 I did too!!!! I didn’t realize it would smell like rotting flesh. NO one warned me about that. I forgot the medical name for the blood but I had to google it because I thought I was dying! Actually thought I was dying! Turns out I’m one of hundreds of women who have thought so hahha
@conteh Girl I literally told my husband to stay away from me after childbirth LOL I got a whiff of my armpit and WHOO it was like a punch to the face 😂
@conteh FWIW I've asked my husband and sister if they can smell me and they say no. I trust them to be truthful so maybe it just is stronger to you and baby. Like they legit have to put their nose in my arm pits to smell it whereas I can smell it in the shower even after scrubbing three times. I believe the evolutionary reason for it is so that baby can find it's way up to the breast - so 100% normal.
@radicallyreformed13 My husband promised me he couldn’t smell it either but I couldn’t stand myself. Good to know he may not have been lying to make me feel better lol. I don’t remember exactly when it went away but somewhere around six months I realized I didn’t stink anymore for both kids.
@conteh Yes! Postpartum hot flashes plus Zoloft my sweat/smell is much stronger. Speaking of smell- do you or anyone else experience this… I’m 11 weeks pp and haven’t been bleeding since 6 weeks pp, but it still smells down there not a bad smell, but it’s just this lingering different smell.. maybe TMI but anytime I have been around a dog they stick their nose right inbetween my legs LOL. Do I smell fertile or something? Not sure. I hope it goes away soon.
@washhammerofgod I noticed a different smell down there to a point where I asked my doctor about it and got tested for vaginitis. I use a ph balancing wash that helps a little but it do be stanky down there