Postpartum B.O

@conteh I smell like grilled onions all the time but my husband says he can’t smell it. Even after vigorously scrubbing my pits in the shower, the stink is still there. I read somewhere that only you and baby can smell it and it is to help them identify you and smell you for breastfeeding purposes!
@conteh I heard the smell helps the baby find the breast 😭 Deodorant didn’t even work for me so I started using glycolic acid and now I have literally no scent!
@jellybomb I personally use The Ordinary’s glycolic toner! I can’t vouch for deodorants with it included but just the straight solution definitely made a massive difference.
@conteh I so vividly remember thinking where are these onions I’m smelling and then realizing it was me. Thankfully my hubby didn’t notice or pretended he didn’t.
@conteh Soooo bad. 20 minutes out of the shower and I feel like I still stink. It’s been a little better washing twice with antibacterial bar soap before scented soap. My mom held the baby yesterday and said “Ew her head smells like armpits”. Like yeah, I know, lol.
@conteh Ha I’ve been wondering why I smell so bad and just chalked it up to constantly walking around bouncing my baby. I feel so bad for my baby when she has to smell me while breastfeeding. Glad I’m not alone here.
@conteh I permanently smell like breastmilk. No matter how often I shower and wash between showers I stink of it. I change my bra 3x a day and change my breastpads every couple of hours but it doesn't make a difference
@conteh It's such a relief to see other people comment that they smell like onions! I feel so seen! It sometimes makes me question my decision to keep nursing my toddler. The only things that even slightly works for me, aside from frequent showers, are a salt crystal deodorant and the boobie powder from Mega Babe. It's quite a process.
@conteh Oh my god, I thought it was just me! My chest between my breasts smells like onions if I sweat the tiniest bit, but I don’t want to put deodorant there because surely that’s not good for the baby? I just try to wipe up with an unscented baby wipe when the smell gets too strong
@conteh Haha, we were just talking about this in my local mom group yesterday! Baby powder helps! Just pat baby powder onto areas prone to BO after your shower, then a layer of deodorant. It works so well!
@conteh 10 months and counting - this post-birth issue is SO incredibly annoying. That, and I'm still sweating more than I did before pregnancy, but maybe that's just the new me.

Yay. 😫
@conteh everyone calls it the postpartum BO but i feel like it lasts as long as you’re breastfeeding!! my little turned 1 today and i was not prepared to still be so smelly this long pp lol
@conteh I smell like onions constantly, especially if I shave my pits. It was horrible for the first month or so. Since I'm still breastfeeding it comes and goes but goddamn, you're right that no one talks about it. I was so confused and thought something was wrong with me but nope. Apparently it's so baby can find your boob easier, but it makes me even want to stay away from myself lmao. And I'm allergic to almost every natural deodorant and OB said don't use aluminum so I'm just a stinky b
@jobbomb6 Did your OB really tell you not to use aluminum? Would you mind sharing why they advised that???? I know my moms always blathering on about breast cancer risk but the stuff without aluminum DOESNT WORK!!!!!!