Postpartum B.O

@thepredestinedloser Oh no! Yeah the scents on those fuckers are STRONG so not surprised it would fuck with sensitive skin. Honestly, I just googled it to see if there’s any difference between men/women deodorant and everything I read said they are exactly the same with different packaging. So, at the end of the day, you’re probably just fine using what you’re using lol
@thecreativeone The strong scent is why I thought they’d work better. That’s interesting that they’re the same, good to know my deodorant costs more just because it’s for a woman. Haha I’ll just keep reapplying it five hundred times a day.
@conteh It didn’t happen with my first but with my second it was AWFUL. Sweaty and smelly and everything. You’re not alone. Bed sweats. Best of luck.
@conteh It’s not just you, I’m 7 weeks pp and I feel like I stink all the time. Like no amount of showers or deodorant is touching this stank 😂 it’s the worst lol happened with my older child too. I always thought it was just me too.
@conteh I have no idea how everything works hormone wise, but with my first I had to stop breastfeeding at 4 months and within two months my period returned and I smelled normal. With my second, my period still returned with EBF at 5 months. Now my hair is falling out even with multivitamin and other supplemental support(something that never happened with my first). Still got all my teeth, woot!
@conteh I feel like I smell like onions 24/7, only 4 weeks pp. Hoping it goes away soon!

I switched to men's deodorant thinking my deodorant wasn't doing the job, glad to know it's just another beautiful thing of postpartum😂
@conteh It’s true. My girlfriend gave me some deodorant as a baby shower gift 😂 and is saved me when my other natural deodorant stopped doing it for me.

It’s called schmidts natural deodorant in rose/vanilla. It truly stopped the stink for me and it is natural!