Podcasts for road trip with 8-10 y/o kids?


New member
We're taking 3 lengthy road trips soon, looking for some podcasts recommendations for us to listen to in the car. No little kid stories please. Bonus points if its educational.

We might consider some audiobooks- however we're not yet ready for Harry Potter yet.
@seeburger Stuff You Should Know. Don't know if they're still around making content, but growing up with us in a moving van every couple years it was one we all liked
@wordjockey Second this, one of my favorite podcasts, but I’ll add, they have a huge catalog of episodes, and they cover a very wide range of subjects, not all will be interesting/appropriate for 8-10 year olds. I’d recommend searching through their episodes and downloading a few ahead of time.
@seeburger There are times when she'll have me pause, either too think about things, ask questions, or if it gets a little weird or gross. Like with the tsetse fly. It describes how they bite (saw through the skin). That got to be a bit much, but she had me pause it and when she was ready, we kept going.

Good playful style, but very informative, too.
@seeburger NatGeo Kids has one called Greeking Out that teaches kid-friendly intros to Greek mythology. I'll second the Stuff You Should Know recommendation(s) as well since their library is so deep you can cherrypick eps based on your family's interests.
@pbush Going to jot this one down. No idea why, but I was so into Greek mythology as a kid. And, ya know, you get a lot of Jeopardy and bad trivia answers right with that knowledge base haha.

Really though, it's amazing how prevalent Greek mythology is in the world at large.
@mrorvelle We listened to the first few episodes when it first came out and I found it kind of obnoxious. I thought they spent too much time on silly sound effects and zany bits. They tried so hard to make it kid-friendly that it was sort of condescending, IMO.
@seeburger I enjoy Lateral, a show where internet personalities, (so not famous people but at least people good on camera) ask questions with require lateral thinking to get to the answer. One person asks and the other three have to work it out. Hosted by Tom Scott.

In terms of Audio books, I would hiughly recommend Terry Pratchett over anything like HP.
@ann3 Lateral is relatively mature for an 8 year old. There’s some inappropriate jokes (sex, drugs) per episode, but they also talk about things like British politics, waiting at the DMV, office jobs. I don’t know if an 8 year old could hang onto it.

OP, try giving a few episodes a listen and see what you think for your own kid.