Please send me advice before I shave SDs Head

@gmapatgardner To me it seems like she’s the only one caring for step daughter in this situation. Mom is medically and psychologically neglecting her daughter and dad is not doing anything about it. It sounds like OP took really reasonable steps and has put in hours of her time to help SD with this. She has to protect her own kids as well. Yes, kids get lice but you do something about it. You don’t let it go on for years.
@nannasin28 No, it will take a few weeks of trauma and being bald before there’s enough hair to re-infest. You’re right. Definitely shave her head... /s
@jamie0 I get how this would seem traumatic to people, but I don’t think you’re realizing how traumatic and irritating and awful it is to scratch your head every 3 minutes and (for the little girl) not have a way of making it stop. I see it as 2 weeks of relief. Can you imagine?
@nannasin28 Honestly I was on your side until this. Do not shave her head. Cut it shorter so it’s easier to deal with but do not shave it. You’re absolutely right that this is traumatizing for her, so tell your husband to grow up and protect his daughter, or file for custody yourself.
@nannasin28 My old roommates kids had lice and she shaved their heads and her own. I’ve never dealt with it but she said shaving their heads was so easy peasy and made sure the lice were gone.

If my kids ever got it I’m bringing out the clippers for all of us.