Please no judgement - just a question


New member
We have a baby girl who doesn’t like to be put down most days, she’s 9 weeks old. She is 7lbs 11oz (we believe at least, our scale says 7.7lbs). We have a carrier that we got at our baby shower that is the infantino flip 4-in-1 convertible carrier. It shows the facing in narrow seat is for 8-15lbs. Is the last few ounces that big of a difference?

I’d love to be able to get some house work done some days (my fiancé broke his femur/hip right before we got induced so he’s not able to do much around the house to help, and she doesn’t always want to just sit around so he can’t always help there either).

Obviously her safety comes first and I would never do anything to jeopardize it, hence why I haven’t used it yet and why I’m asking here. I know I can call the pediatrician to ask, but it’s Sunday 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I could use my hands today lol
@cheeekdaniel I would definitely give it a try, and post a fit check for feedback.

My LO was 7.7lbs at birth, and I feel like a 7.7lb fresh newborn and a 7.7lb 9wo are very different in this case, as long as your 9wo wasn't more than a couple of weeks premature.
@cheeekdaniel I don’t know this carrier, but I also had a small baby and even when structured carriers said they were appropriate for her, they certainly were not. However, soft wrap carriers were PERFECT and life changing because of how adjustable they are. I’d recommend looking into one. It doesn’t take too long to learn. Solly, Moby and Beluga Baby are some brands to look into.
@hnsmusc My daughter lived in my Beluga Baby wrap - we even have two because she is a spitter. She is 20lbs now and I still use it with her fairly regularly!
@patchworks Same here! We have two as well because she loves chewing on it. Ours is only 13lbs but we still use it daily because she’s a stage 5 clinger 😂
@hnsmusc As is ours! To the OP, if you decide to try a stretch wrap, definitely look on Facebook Marketplace. We got both of ours there. If you are unsure whether it is for you, it is a much cheaper way to try it out.

Heritage Baby Designs also offers rentals of both their stretch wraps and their ring slings so you can give them a go and see if you like them!
@cheeekdaniel Don’t use that narrow setting at all.

You don’t want baby dangling from their crotch, they need to be supported knee-to-knee with fabric. I don’t know why Infantino still instructs their carrier be used in this manner, it’s a dated design and uncomfortable for baby.

The international hip dysplasia institute has a good article about infant hip anatomy and baby carrier positioning, it’s very informative:

And this site has great info on how to comfortably and safely babywear; you want them high on your chest, head unobstructed by the carrier, in a deep squat position with their spine gently curving outward.
@cheeekdaniel You really have to post a fit check, the weight isn’t going to be the best determination.

Fwiw I have a solly wrap and didn’t realize I was supposed to wait until baby was 8 lbs, and started carrying her at probably 7.5.