Please don’t feed my baby from your plate


New member
My son is 9 months old. My son has severe food allergies that require us to carry an epipen everywhere. One of them is eggs.

We had a potluck at our church today and I set him up in the highchair at the table next to my husbands grandmother and gave him puffs. They’re a safe food and he loves them (even though I know they have 0 nutritional value). The woman 2 chairs down from the baby on the opposite side decided to feed him the filling from her deviled egg. Ya know, the egg yolk sometimes mixed with mayonnaise? It was only a little taste but it was enough to cause him to break out in hives and require us to give him a pretty good dose of Benadryl. (His allergist told us we can’t overdo it on Benadryl. All it will do is make him sleepy). I flipped my shit and told her not to feed my baby food from her plate. Another woman came by and told me that I was being rude and she didn’t know. Fuckin excuse me?! Why would she think it’s okay to feed a strangers baby from her plate?! Maybe I overreacted but goddamn this shit is aggravating.
@1shizueallen1 I flip my shit when someone gives my dog a treat at the dog park without asking first. I can’t even imagine if someone tried to feed my daughter without asking. I don’t think you overreacted at all - maybe she’ll think twice before feeding any other strangers’ babies.
@bloodandwords This was my first thought- I’d never feed a strangers dog without asking first, who the f would feed a strangers baby?! Plus I can only assume she fed him from her fork, which is gross even in precovid times.
@haisu Her fingers wouldn’t be much better. But ya, to OP, this is not cool. Not an over reaction. You shouldn’t need to put a sign about allergies around your kids neck to keep strangers from feeding them without permission. Even my family typically ask if my kids can have things first if they are outside the normal range of things they eat.
@1shizueallen1 You definitely did not overreact. My 6mo had a severe allergic reaction the other day that required an ambulance, a shot of adrenaline and a trip to the hospital. We don't know what food caused it and have to wait to see a specialist to find out. If someone tried to feed my baby food from their plate, I would flip my lid.
@1shizueallen1 Not overreacting. She could’ve killed your baby and “not knowing” is not an excuse. How about asking before you give a child one of the most major allergens? My sisters daughter has celiac and at a retirement party she asked for candy. My sister said no because she couldn’t tell if it was gluten free and based on the reaction in the room you would’ve thought it was the height of deprivation. “Oh it’s probably gluten free, just give her it. She wants it”. Finally her dad overrides my sister and gives her it. Guess who puked and pooped the whole ride home?
@katrina2017 I have a strange allergy and if the ingredients aren't listed out individually, I'll ask if said food is in it. The amount of times I've been told, "Oh, I don't know, but probably not!" is staggering.
@meehan8381 I have a garlic allergy, and this happens all the time. I call restaurants and advance to ask them if there are garlic free options on their menu, and I can't tell you the number of times people have told me something is garlic-free when it definitely is not. I kid you not, I had one employee and then his manager tell me that their gyro sandwiches definitely didn't have garlic. Like anyone has ever made gyro meat garlic-free lol. I was skeptical, so I called corporate (this was a restaurant chain) and learned there definitely was garlic in it. Now unless someone actually goes and checks the list of ingredients, I will just tactfully pass on any entrees I didn't make myself. Even when they do check, they still sometimes miss it and I'm sick for days.
@katrina2017 Oh, wow. That sounds like the dad isn't educated enough. I mean with celiac it's not like it's just a short discomfort, but it actually damages the body and sets back the healing from the time spend gluten free.

My sister has that and my mom was so conscious of it and tried her very best to make sure she didn't anything she shouldn't have. But there were still those days when grandma (already pretty old at the time) happily proclaimed how she ate the whole plate of noodle salat. No wonder she never reached a healthy weight.
@dak Yes. My sister was absolutely furious. This was a very good lesson for him. He has since learned a lot more about it. This was shortly after her diagnosis a few years ago.
@coertzenjfs I was at a store looking at baby clothes while my 18 month old was looking at the toys next to me. This woman comes up IN THE BEGINNING OF A PANDEMIC with her mask down and fucking KISSES my baby. I shrieked and was like “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??”