Part time work, Full time SAHM


New member
TL:RD: Hubby works on call weekends, 12 hour shifts during the week, I work part time flex hours and have 3 kids, hard time sleeping

Hey everyone!

Needing advice on weird sleep schedule. I work anytime after 6 p.m.-5 a.m. part time 25 hours/week for extra cash. Ive tried going in after my kids in bed at 7:00 p.m. but then im cleaning until 930 p.m. and bed at 10:15 p.m.

Ive tried working 3:00 a.m.-5:00 a.m and can get home before he goes to work. I feel more accomplished this way so I can take care of the kids for 12 hours.

Hubby works 6 a.m. to whenever, usually 12 hours.

I'm doing literally everything and I feel like I'm crashing someday, bathing, feeding the kids, getting oldest on bus, snacks, bedtime routine.

Tips? Or mayne im too hard on myself?

@marimur When do you sleep?
I would worry your current pace is not sustainable, both of your lives sound like you never really have time to recharge.

I don't know what.your situation is, but I would say you need to slow down a bit and take time to recharge. Burnout is serious business which will throw you out of your game for a long time, don't let it get this far. Look after yourself please ❣️ sending lots of love to you BroMo