Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

@katrina2017 Thank you for sharing! This is good advice, and definitely gives us a starting point for deciding where to draw a line. We will start working on a plan of action!
@deojames Have you had imaging of your uterus and tubes? If your tubes are completely blocked, that would be one reason to immediately suggest IVF. Otherwise, I would have another conversation to understand why they feel IVF is the next step and consider a second opinion.
@minimag I did, they did an ultrasound and an HSG with everything looking normal. Basically, the doctor said "the chances of you producing a good egg with the follicle count/amh level and him having a sperm that can "crack the egg" (due to his morphology ) are low"...I don't love this doctor lol

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