Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

@mcg1102 Where I work, ancillary tests would typically be recommended to see if it's trending downwards. You don't get the complete picture without FSH/LH. As Sudden-Cherry pointed out, I'm assuming UK values whereas OP is - on the balance of probability - likely talking in USA values.

There is a massive variation in what we consider normal and the USA considers normal, due to differences in units.

In the UK anything below 5, for anyone under 39, is abnormal, and 1.7 at 33 would definitely be considered potential POI depending on other panels. Most clinics in the UK will not offer treatment to people with AMH
@krython Oh, for sure, in SI units that would be a problematic value.

OP has posted her FSH and LH now — not sure if they were there when you posted your first comment.
@deojames I think that's very weird since you've been trying for 3-4 month and neither of those parameters (AMH or morphology - and they don't seem that bad either) actually impact chance to conceive unassisted especially in - how the medical guidelines call it: - "unproven fertility" population (so people who have not yet tried for a year).
@deojames Mine and husband’s results were similar to yours (my AMH is .75 though), and we’re also your age. After over a year of trying, we’re in our first of four potential IUI cycles now before moving to IVF on the advice of our RE. It’s been quite the journey! Rushing to IVF does seem drastic, but I will say, I wish I would have started the whole process sooner (then again, who doesn’t?!)
@deojames I’m 33 too and also tested 1.7AMH (or it might have been 1.6 actually) a few months ago. My OBGYN was not at all concerned and said it’s on the lower end but nothing to alarmed about. I think the irregular cycles is more of a concern as it could be an indication of PCOS but there are non IVF options for that (my SIL was irregular bc of PCOS but was able to conceive naturally within the first year). I agree with everyone else to get another opinion. Your OBGYN should be able to help with ultrasounds/HSG to see if you have other things going on before jumping straight to IVF….

Also, how are your vitamin D levels? I later found out from my annual physical that I had a vit D deficiency and apparently that can surpress AMH. I saw someone on this sub mention that after she took a few months of vitamin D to bring her back to normal levels, her AMH went up from 1.5ish to over 2.
@coolrosso Thanks so much for sharing!!! I posted my vitamin D level, as they did test that but didn't mention an issue. I do take Vitamin D supplements, so I feel like they're probably okay?

Doc ruled out PCOS yesterday, based on the testings, HSG, ultrasound, etc...but I definitely wonder if PCOS could be a factor.
@deojames Oops sorry missed it! I was at 29ish (i’m really bad at remembering decimals you see) and because it was under 30 it was flagged on my blood test. My family doc then called and told me to take vitamin D supplements. Yours seem at the border to me…so it’s good that you’re already taking supplements! Also really great news that your HSG and ultrasound results were good. My OBGYN said the above things (said blood tests, exams, and semen analysis) clear out the common issues and at that point one should just try the full year.
@deojames Get a second opinion. I have moved around a fair bit and have been to a number if fertility clinics over the past 8 years. Some clinics CLEARLY push IVF while others listen/empathize with your situation and find solutions that work for you. You need to feel comfortable with the course of treatment- not have it be pushed on you.
@deojames My AMH a little low at is 1.9. All other tests and blood work were normal. She could see good follicle count on my ultrasounds, and she suggested we start with IUI.
@deojames Mine was 12, and she said that she was pleasantly surprised by this count considering my AMH levels. Based off this and my other tests She felt comfortable with us starting with IUI.
@deojames I would get a second opinion. This is a big decision and you should have more confidence in the person helping you make it than you seem to have in this particular doctor.

My RE is very pro-IVF because it gives you the ability to freeze time. This is especially important if you want to have more than one child; if your fertility is already declining, it will be that much worse when you try for #2 or #3 in a few years. But, he still walked us through the pros/cons of different treatments and ultimately let us decide. We chose to start with TI, and it worked out for us. (At the time our issues were RPL and low morphology.) We're going back now with DOR due to cancer treatment and moving forward with IVF because that's what makes the most sense given my age (turning 41 soon) and our goal (banking embryos for a pregnancy attempt in 6-12 months).
@deojames I don’t know what to feel about this. It certainly sounds like you are heading down the IVF road, but he shouldn’t be pushing it on you. Maybe seek out a second opinion even if only to find a doctor that is less picky.
Wow, thanks so much for the detailed response! I wasn't sure if my AMH was truly low (since I've seen it listed on the average range, albeit on the low side), or if it was just him being extreme, since he is very blunt. Early menopause? That's crazy! Thanks for letting me know to keep an eye out. Here are hubby's SA results:

Complete collection

Volume: 2.8 mL
Concentration: 14 million/mL
Motility: 70.5 % million/mL
Forward progression: 2+
Total count: 39.2

Ph: 8.3
Viscosity value: 2+
Motility rate: 2+
Concentration: 9.87
Total count: 27.64

Strict Morphology: 1
@deojames The concentration is borderline low; normal is 15 mill/mL and above. I would recommend having your partner work on lifestyle changes (no smoking or marijuana, exercise regularly, take supplements like CoQ10, omega-3s, and vitamin D, etc) for 3 months and then get a follow-up SA before pursuing any treatment.
@deojames If you are unsure, it doesn't hurt to get a second opinion but my RE has not suggested or pushed IVF and has actually told me he does not believe we need it necessarily because the things we found with my bloodwork causing my recurrent miscarriages can have a plan of action. That doesn't mean that all REs will be like mine, but this just has been my experience. You can look into a vitamin for your husband, like men's fertileaid. And only do what you're comfortable with. Everyone has their limits and bottom lines. For us, we discussed and felt we had "two more losses" in us before we either quit or take further action. It's just our limit. Some people can try and try and lose 10+ but still try and that's their limit. Ours is 2 more after this. Really discuss with your husband, research for yourself and seek out another opinion.

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