@deojames Out of interest, you mentioned your husbands morphology- how low is low, and what are the other parameters like? I'm an embryologist at a fertility clinic and do a lot of semen analysis. We usually worry about morphology the least out of everything. It's a point of contention among professionals, and it's relevance is hotly debated. There is a lot of research out there showing positive outcomes for people with low morphology who try naturally.
Your AMH is low for your age, and could explain your irregular periods. But if you are confirming ovulation each cycle, there is nothing to preclude you from conceiving naturally when you do ovulate.
A good analogy I saw on here from someone else was, when most people try to concieve, they're rolling a standard 6 faced dice each month (a d6). They have to roll a 1 to concieve. Its a game of luck. When you add in additional factors, the number of faces on your dice increase. So, add in your husbands low morphology and you're rolling a d9. Add in your low AMH and you're adding a d12. Your odds of rolling a 1 are lower now, but it's still possible.
You should be monitored regularly for signs of early menopause though (FSH and LH and estrogen predominantly). You will definitely want to move into something like IUI or IVF before you hit menopause. With a low AMH, earlier menopause is possible.
I think your RE is taking all that into consideration and making the recommendation he thinks is best, but just being very blunt about it, which isn't fair. He should be more Compassionate about it and progress at a pace you feel comfortable with. IVF can be tough to consider.
Getting a second opinion doesn't hurt at all and is definitely what I would do. It can help to hear the same thing from multiple people, or to hear a different perspective and know your options.