Recently made friend bathed my child while looking after her (5 yr old)

@nasusnuboc Yeah sure and her 5 year old kid is soliciting girls from school with covid to lure into his mother's honey trap.

Seriously, not everyone in the world is a pedophile. This woman was helping out the family, she has a kid herself who is friends with the kid.

He can feel anyway he likes and maybe she did cross a line, but it's not a unusual occurance to be bathed at a friend's house.
@someguy77 I hear you, but I just want to add that women do hurt kids in that way too. I have taken several hours of trainings on this topic at advocacy centers as I am a mandated reporter. Women do offend, and it’s also expected to be underreported as women are often looked at as nurturers and protectors of children. It’s easier for women to say something is a misunderstanding, because they can use the carer defense, like it was “just a bath.” Predators look for opportunities to be alone with children and very often it’s through their own children they gain access.

I am not saying that J did anything wrong at all. I am just saying that it is a legitimate concern that these people are expressing.

The fact that she is not close to the family doesn’t make a big difference to me as most cases of sexual abuse toward children are done by people very close and trusted by the family, or they are family.
@someguy77 Listen I know you mean well but like seemingly innocent situations like this are exactly why kids like me were raped at 4. Saying "not everyone is a pedophile" doesnt mean it sure as hell isnt a thing. I think your being insensitive. As for the father it's OK to have some precaution when someone else gets your kid naked. It's totally different than offering a meal and babysitting.
@someguy77 Are used to go over peoples houses all the time and not once did anyone offer to give me a bath. You do that at your own house.

Once I started dog shit and got it all over my leg and pants and they gave me new pants and wipe my leg but didn’t give me a bath.
@nasusnuboc All I am saying it I wouldn't just to conclusions like she's a pedophile. Which is the impression I got from the OP.

She was also washing her own son and maybe she didn't have anyone else to look the child so she just put them in together, it's a bit weird but I wouldnt go calling the cops
@someguy77 Hello? Disrobing bad bathing a child is signs of an abuser. And she wasn’t staying the night, she stayed for dinner. Presumably these parents would not send their five year old to stay the night at another person’s house that they didn’t know well.
@spiritualgrowth This was inappropriate.

Your 5 year old was there for a short period of time, for a specific reason- to have dinner.

She was not there to take off all her clothes in front of non-family members and have her private exposed and possibly touched? I mean, what’s this lady’s definition of washing? Does she help? Did she put the opposite gender kids in the bath together? You just don’t know.

At best J’s got very poor boundaries and judgment, and that’s enough for me to keep my kid away from her.
@spiritualgrowth I dunno man.... obviously she should have asked you first before doing anything, but I'm sure she meant no harm, probably just trying to be nice.

Is it because J's kid is a boy and yours is a girl? Is he the same age? Personally, I think you may be over reacting just a tad. They're only little children, nothing bad will happen unless you're suspicious about J.

I'm sure she was only trying to help you?
@iheartwinterjam I didn't get the vibe it was because they got bathed together, rather that OP got thrown because another adult unexpectedly saw their kid naked. I don't know.... from what we've heard here, I don't personally think J had any untoward intentions, but if I found out that someone I didn't know super well had taken my kids clothes off, I don't think I would like it, even though it was innocent.