Officially one and done


New member

As of two weeks ago, I'm am officially one and done. I have mixed feelings about it but ultimately feel this is the best decision for us.

First of all, the money. I work 4 days a week and my spouse 5 days. Even with that, it seems like it's not enough. Daycare is very expensive, we both work late, and we have no support system. My parents live 8 hours away and my MIL is disabled and can't help.

I also had difficulites with pregnancy. My first pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage at 12 weeks and I also had a D&C. I thankfully had my rainbow baby a few months later. During the second pregnancy, I developed cholestasis and the pregnancy became high risk. Had to get stress tests and biophysical ultrasounds 3-4x weekly until delivery, which was way 37 weeks. I was informed that it will return if I become pregnant again.

A year after my baby was born ( he's 3.5 years now), I had the first of at least 9 surgeries/procedures regarding my esophagus. My nutrition has gone down hill since and I still can't properly eat or get enough nutrition ( protein or fruits).

Then, I was recently diagnosed with adenomyosis and early signs of peri menopause, on top of insulin resistance. I already have severe osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Also, he's been a lot of work. Terrible twos and threenager stages are HARD. Lots of tantrums, whining, and redirection. We are finally getting better with the tantrums and whining but it's draining and we have a long way to go.

So due to my above reasons, money, and my husband being happy with our one child, I made the decision to get my tubes removed. I'm actually recovering from a uterine ablation and Salpingectomy.

It was a weird decision especially leading up to the surgery, because of the "what if's", but I know I'm not healthy enough to carry a baby. Can't go back now!
@rmann Congrats on your loving and complete family.

You have a lot of reasons why, but remember if people ask if you're having another, "No." Is a perfectly valid response.

No need to explain. Follow the JADE acronym.

My son is turning seven this year. We just got back from an impromptu beach trip. Every year gets better.
@rmann J - justify

A - argue

D - defend

E - explain

Your answer is no. You don't need to justify your choice. Don't Argue why you're right or wrong. You don't have to defend your choice. Never explain why you're one and done. You are. Family complete. If they persist in asking, tell them to stop.
@rmann I have an almost 2 year old and my husband is getting a vasectomy later this month. I have mixed feelings about it too, because there will be no more “what ifs” soon, it’s the finality of it that feels bittersweet. But I have SO many reasons to be OAD as well. I have several chronic illnesses so my pregnancy was high risk, complicated, and miserable. I almost couldn’t take care of my own self during pregnancy, thinking about doing it all over again but with a small child makes me feel ill. More than that, we have no village at all. We have 5 siblings collectively and our child only knows one of them. Both my parents and my in-laws don’t care to be grandparents. They think they’re too young (they’re in their 50’s lmao). If we need to do anything or go anywhere, the kid is coming with us. And we’re okay with that. We wouldn’t be as okay with it if we had two. Our kid has high sleep needs so my husband and I get a lot of alone time, he games and I read. We enjoy getting time to ourself, and not being lost in parenthood. I have mommy issues as I’m a product of a resentful mother, so I never want my child to feel that way. I take extra steps to make sure I’m maintaining my individuality and staying balanced. It’s bittersweet to see our child at this age and realize that we will never experience it again, but it just makes it all the more special. Although….The constant whining phase we’re in right now is making me wanna pull my hair out lol
@eriugena Totally understand your reasons! It is a weird feeling knowing that there will be no more what ifs, but I keep telling myself fostering or adoption could be in our future. I'm so so sorry about your mom issues, I can't imagine having a mom like that. However it's good that you're using it as a strength to make your child not live like that!
@rmann I had a horrible first pregnancy, I ripped, tore, haemorraged and epidural failed. It was just awful really.

When I came out of hospital the men in my life just said oh well you can have a c section for your second one.

Yea mate its that easy.

I suppose my toddler, the bills, cat, house will all look after itself!

I really want to be one and done im 99% sure. My partner is an excellent man but money worries etc has me saying a firm no.

Imagine having no money, what sort of life is that :(
@rmann Sending you love since I understand how hard this is. I had gestational diabetes while pregnant, and although I was able to control it during pregnancy, I had PPd and PPA which spiraled me into over eating. Currently I’m pre diabetic and have insulin resistance. I’ve also had a lot of pain/numbness in my hand and feet and I fear I may have arthritis. I’m 38, had my B at 36. My health is not the best and im just now getting into a space where I can work on it and focus on me. Did you develop RA after/ because of pregnancy? I really have to get checked for it.
@katrina2017 I completely understand. I was diagnosed 9 years before pregnancy (am 31 now and was diagnosed when I was 22). Definitely worth getting checked out! Are you on medicine for prediabetes/insulin resistance?
@katrina2017 Did that help with anything? That was suggested for me. And good luck with the doctor! They typically run lab work for inflammatory markers or autoimmune markers.