I know it's nothing compared to some people here but I've officially made it 2 months breastfeeding!

@clemdawg Congrats!! I definitely agree with a previous commenter who said breastfeeding is honestly harder than childbirth. Who knew it would be such a journey! But you are doing it!
@clemdawg Well done! Isn't it amazing??? My original goal on my first was 6 weeks... Fed up to 2 years...now 5 months exactly on my second...

Careful though lol time does fly by !
@clemdawg My babe will be 8 weeks tomorrow and dang I hope it "clicks" soon.... I still feel like we are just doing it all wrong. We have some really good days and some not so good days. Today in particular has me down in the dumps. Reading all these comments to lift the spirits!
@clemdawg We are two months in and I’m starting the process of switching to formula over the next two month to gently transition both of us. This has been such a draining thing and we don’t even struggle with latch or supply. I am in awe of every one who breast feeds fr.
@clemdawg Congratulations! You absolutely should celebrate every milestone, breastfeeding is hard! It does get easier and easier though as your baby sleeps longer. My original goal was 6 months, then one year, and then we ended up doing almost 2! It’s amazing where this journey will take you, but you’ve already accomplished so much!
@clemdawg Thank you for posting this!! Today actually marks 8 weeks for me too and everything you put really resonates. Even down to the 6 month goal seeming achievable and wanting to do more. I even found myself considering one of those breastmilk keepsake jewelry pieces when pre-baby I considered it cheesy.

Congratulations on how far you’ve come and thanks for sharing!
@clemdawg Mines 2 months as well and I'm in the same boat. She will barely take a bottle either so it looks like we will be EBF for a long time. My goal was also 6months but my new goal is to never give her formula, always breast milk. I'll see if I can do it. She breaks my heart every time I try the bottle and I get her salty protest drinking with whimpers.
@clemdawg Woohoo!!! We just hit 2 months as well. There have definitely been LOTS of tears and tribulations but it’s soooo worth it. My whole pregnancy I swore up and down that I would be tough and do everything I could to make it work, but never realized just how HARD!!! it is. Certainly a love-hate relationship at times. Keep it up mama. We got this.
@clemdawg 2 months is awesome! I’ve been breastfeeding for 3.5 years and I really struggled in the beginning. I literally had a friend I would call to ask for encouragement regarding breastfeeding when I had just had enough.

To me, you celebrate every day you’re doing something that’s important to you. Please don’t dismiss your accomplishments. Also, I regularly thank my past self for sticking with breastfeeding and enabling me to get this far. Maybe thank your past self for sticking with it. For me it helps me feel better about the struggles I’ve gone through and it feels like I’m giving my past self a healing hug.

And this may be a hot take, but I think it’s less important how long you breastfeed and more important that you get the resources and support to reach whatever goal is important to you. If we keep comparing our journeys we will never celebrate our accomplishments. Let’s lift one another rather than compare. ❤️
@clemdawg Those early weeks are the toughest by far, so you absolutely should celebrate it.

I fed my first to 2.5 and my second to nearly 4, but I could only go that long because it becomes a once or twice a day thing and it made my life easier not more difficult. So please don’t think 2 months isn’t something to shout about 🎉