I know it's nothing compared to some people here but I've officially made it 2 months breastfeeding!

@clemdawg Same here! My LO is 2.5 months and we’re still going strong. She struggled at first as she was in the NICU and was bottle fed but we’ve made it. I’m so proud of us! Congrats!
@curtisptrsn Congrats! This is so heartening! My LO was also in the NICU and bottle fed. He’s 2 months now and we’re still struggling to latch him to the breast. He tries so hard but it feels like he’s searching for a larger / bottle-like nipple on my breast. We’ve tried nipple shields with some success but ideally I’d like him to latch on without it. I put him to the breast as often as I can (3-4 times a day) but both he and I are getting frustrated :(
@clemdawg I went 2 1/2 years with my oldest (just started the second kid), and I’m here to tell you:

2 months is everything!

I’d say more than 50% of the mental effort and physical pain I experienced in breastfeeding I mustered/experienced in those first 2 months.
@clemdawg Congrats OP! 👏 breastfeeding is so draining, in so many ways. I honestly believe it is more difficult than birth itself! And I delivered 100% naturally.

Take some time to reward yourself! It is such an accomplishment!
@clemdawg That's great! Honestly the beginning is the hardest. After x amount of months if work / life doesn't interfere you can just keep going. It's the first couple of months that i think are the ones to be proudest of!
@clemdawg Such an accomplishment because the newborn months are absolutely the hardest. I feel like I unlocked a new level when my baby hit about 3.5 months—breastfeeding got dramatically easier. The positioning, sessions become shorter (no more cluster feeding!!), my milk supply regulated so now more plugged ducts. All of the difficulty is gone and now it’s all ease and convenience. Wishing you the same!!
@clemdawg I’m closing in on 4 months. It’s definitely not easy- but now that it’s established OMG I cannot imagine feeding any other way. Hoping to make it to a year. Congrats on two months- I hope it’s smooth sailing for you from here!
@clemdawg Only read the title. Just had to come in and say please don't compare your journey to others. 1 day, 2 months, 1 year. All amazing!
Well done! 🫶