Officially 1 Year TTC. Feeling defeated

@ebarnes I know the feelings all too well! Just sending love, I know how hard it is. When we hit a year I was devastated but I actually got testing done around month 8/9 because I suspected endo and low and behold I had severe stage 4 endo. Been TTC for 3.5 years and we just started IVF this month, not going as we hoped due to my endometriosis. We have no coverage either, all out of pocket but you just make it work I suppose.

I would definitely get a semen analysis, day 3 bloodwork and day 21 progesterone test, along with seeing if you have any symptoms similar to endometriosis sometimes Endo can be silent though, then an HSG to check your tubes. Also, I would see if you are ovulating via monitoring at some point because there are disorders where your LH strips show ovulation but no egg is actually released for example.