@kievonn Ok colored masking tape/washi tape, tape strips of it to the table, and let her peel and re stick. It comes off super easy without leaving residue or white paper behind the way stickers do, my 18mo - 3 yo class loved it and it’s great for fine motor skills
Gift card to get ice cream or something: takes up no space, she’ll have fun paying for it herself like a grown-up, she will probably want to keep the card, to play store or something, and it’s a fun outing to spend some time with her
She’s probably growing fast, you can tell people she needs clothes 1 or 2 sizes ahead of where she’s at, she’ll be excited about getting big girl clothes and it’ll save you money
Crayola and some other brands have glitter markers, good way to let her do sparkly crafts without the mess of actual glitter or glitter glue
A pack of balloons, you can blow one up for her every couple of days and let her bounce it around, blow it up kinda small, about 1/2 full, so it won’t pop and it’s light weight, won’t knock anything over.
Montessori translucent colored paddles and a flashlight are so fun, you can shine through them to make different colored lights, you can do 2 colors at once to look at what new color it makes ex. Red and blue make purple, you can also do flashlight dances or show her her shadow against the wall and let her move back and forth to see it get bigger and smaller
Books: pick some specific titles, so you don’t get ones you already have
Try to pick small things that don’t take up much space, things that get used up and get out of your house, or things that help you, if you’re like the rest of the world then my guess is you don’t need her to have more toys and trinkets to clutter up your life
hope this helps