No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

@monsieurhauddennifels I tell my friends changing my baby’s diaper is like wrestling an alligator now. She wants to roll all the way over, and if we’re changing in an unfamiliar place, she wants to grab all the things while kicking at the same time. Between keeping her from squirming off the table and holding her in place to actually get a new diaper on her, it’s a wonder we ever get her changed.

But the happy babbling while she’s doing it all is hilariously adorable.
@monsieurhauddennifels I keep saying I am gonna strap a pedometer on my 15 month old cause if she is awake she is moving. We are headed over to grandma and grandpas later and there's a shot I am gonna take like a mile+ walk with her on the property just for the heck of it.
@monsieurhauddennifels My son will be 3 months old next week and he has been squealing since 2 months. He's now onto sprinkling in babbling and yells (I have recently even caught him babbling to himself in his crib at night) and does what I call jazzercise where he will kick and punch like he's running while on his back since 2 months also. Lately he seems frustrated that he can't move where and when he wants so you have to change the activity about every 10-15 minutes. I have a feeling he will be a little tornado once he learns to actually move himself.
@monsieurhauddennifels Oh this is 100% my 7 month baby. He's full- on monkey. He's also rolling everywhere and trying as hard as he can to crawl. He'll like lift his butt in the air and slightly pull himself forward with his hands, but not pick up his head and grunts like he's lifting weights lol. He needs to constantly stand/ jump and has been trying to pull himself up in the bath.

He does this thing we call corn-cobbing where he'll put your finger or arm and even his feet in his mouth and move it back and forth while chomping, like he's eating corn haha.

He also screeches , goes Dadada and is constantly spitting on us with raspberries.
@monsieurhauddennifels Yeah my daughter was like that. She’s 1-year-old now and she’s more mobile now that she ever was. The only difference is, she’s trying to figure out how to walk. She’s done a few steps by herself, but most of the time, she crawls at the speed of light and sound, especially when she’s excited to see something…like our two cats (who are both kind of terrified of her). Just make sure you’re watching your child closely when it comes to times when he’s putting things in his mouth. This morning, I pulled a piece of grout my daughter found on the floor out of her mouth.
@monsieurhauddennifels Oh my gosh super relatable. My LO is 5.5 months. Up until about a week ago, I could pull him into bed with me for some half-awake morning snuggles where I could make up for any overnight missed sleep. Now he’s rolling and he’s suddenly turned into a one man circus. Goodbye, morning snuggles; hello, tiny acrobat!
@monsieurhauddennifels 7 month old and my baby is the same! She wants to run and jump! She in fact refuses to bend her legs to sit down.

She had discovered her voice once at 5 months old, got into screeching mode. Now she’s screeching again. How are you (and other parents here dealing with similar situation) dealing with the screeching??
@monsieurhauddennifels My son blows raspberries as a way of showing his discontent. When he doesn’t like a song—he blows raspberries, if he doesn’t want any more milk— he blows raspberries, if he doesn’t want to be taken from me—he blows raspberries, when he’s pooped in his diaper—he blows raspberries.

He has learned how direct life by just blowing raspberries 💨
@monsieurhauddennifels Our LO was tongue and lip tied, so blowing raspberries is encouraged in our home lol helps train the tongue. I didn't talk until I was 4 due to being tongue tied and it being over looked. Serious tongue exercises for a couple of years and my speech was often difficult to understand for a bit. Didn't want any issues with my LO so all of the silly sounds are involved in a day to day sense. Tower building is great motivation. Assisted sit-ups by holding their hands and explaining the motion, they catch on quick.